
A tool for managing requirements with related tests and test results.

pip install reqstool==0.4.4


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Reqstool Client


Reqstool is a tool for managing requirements with related software verification cases (aka tests) and verification results (test results).

  • Requirements are defined in YAML files and can reference each other (depending on the variant different data will be parsed).
  • Annotations are then used in code to specify where a requirement is implemented as well as tested.

With this information and the actual test results (e.g., JUnit), use Reqstool to:

  • Generate a report (AsciiDoc, which can be transformed into e.g. PDF) listing all requirements, where that requirement is implemented and tested, and whether the tests passed/failed. This report can be used e.g. with auditors ("Yes, we track this requirement, it's implemented (here) and it has been tested with a pass (here).")
  • Status the software, i.e. get a list of all requirements, their status on implementation and tests. Reqstool will exit with a status code equal to the number of requirements that have not been implemented and tested with a pass. Hence, it can be used in a pipeline as a gate for deployment to production.


You need to have the following installed in order to use the tool:

  • Python, 3.10 or later
  • pip

To use the tool, you need to install the PyPI package reqstool.

pip install -U reqstool
reqstool -h # to confirm installation


reqstool [-h] {command: report-asciidoc,generate-json,status} {location: local,git,maven} ...

Use -h/--help for more information about each command and location.


For full documentation see xxx.


  • We adhere to the latest version of Contributor Covenant.
  • Fork repo
  • Before submitting a PR
    • Perform formatting (black): hatch run lint:black src tests
    • Run linter (flake8): hatch run lint:flake8
    • Run tests:
      • all: hatch run test:pytest --cov=reqstool
      • unit only: hatch run test:pytest --cov=reqstool tests/unit
      • integration only: hatch run test:pytest --cov=reqstool tests/integration