Damn simple RESTful library

web, rest, python, django, bsd, bsd-license, flask, flask-api, free, free-software, hateoas, json, json-api, library, rest-api, rest-server, restful, restful-webservices, webapi
pip install restosaur==0.7.0b25



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RESTful library for Django

Why next REST framework?

Restosaur is not a framework. It is a library. You get a set of tools to build your real RESTful service.

What is the difference between Restosaur and other frameworks?

  • Can be decoupled from Django. This is a primary goal.
  • Resources aren't splitted into list and detail - everything (every URL) is a resource.
  • Provides unified way for handling HTTP headers using normalized keys
  • Provides content negotiation and multiple representations of entities
  • It's flexible - callbacks are simple functions and can be registered anywhere
  • It's simple - does not require knoweldge about metaclasses, mixins nor complex inheritance.
  • Can be easily adapted to any HTTP framework



Install library

pip install restosaur

Make core module for your API, for example:

Create file <myproject>/webapi.py which will contain base objects:

import restosaur

# import handy shortcuts
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404  # NOQA

api = restosaur.API()

Configure Django project

  • Add restosaur to INSTALLED_APPS in your settings module.
  • Add to your urls.py API patterns:
    from django.conf.urls import url
    from webapi import api
    urlpatterns = [...]
    urlpatterns += api.urlpatterns()

For Django <1.7 you must call autodiscover explicitely, for example in urls.py:

from django.conf.urls import url
from webapi import api
import restosaur

# ... rest of urls.py file...

Create module in one of yours Django application

Let's assume you're creating an another Blog project and the app name is called blog. So create a file called blog/restapi.py:

from webapi import api, get_object_or_404
from .models import Post

# register resources

post_list = api.resource('posts')
post_detail = api.resource('posts/:pk')

# register methods callbacks 

def post_list_view(context):
    return context.Response(Post.objects.all())  # 200 OK response

def post_detail_view(context, pk):
    return context.Response(get_object_or_404(Post, pk=pk))

# register representation factories

def post_as_dict(post, context):
    return {
            'id': post.pk,
            'title': post.title,
            'content': post.content,
            # create link (URI) to this object
            'href': context.url_for(post_detail, pk=post.pk),

def posts_list_as_dict(posts, context):
    return {
            'posts': [post_as_dict(post, context) for post in posts]

Start your server

```python manage.py runserver``

And browse your posts via http://localhost:8000/posts

What's happened?

  • You've just created simple API with two resources (blog post collection and blog post detail)
  • Your API talks using application/json content type (the default)
  • You've defined simple representation of blog post model (restosaur can work with any object - it depends on your needs)
  • You've created minimal dependencies to Django by encapsulating it's helpers in one module webapi.py (it is a good strategy to embed API-related tools within this base module)
  • You've created no dependencies (!) to restosaur in your app module


  • Django 1.6
  • Django 1.7
  • Django 1.8
  • Django 1.9
  • Django 1.10 (beta 1)
  • Python 2.7


  • 0.7 (beta) - stabilize representations and services API, remove obsolete code; better test coverage
  • 0.8 (beta) - add wsgi interface and move django adapter to restosaur.contrib
  • 0.9 (beta) - [proposal/idea] support for predicates
  • 0.10 (beta) - Python 3.x support
  • 1.0 (final) - stable API, ~100% test coverage, adapters for common web frameworks, Py2/Py3, complete documentation



  • make QueryDict more dict-like object


  • support for multivalued GET parameters


  • support for Django 1.10b1


  • fix registering API to root path ("/")
  • make API`s path optional
  • run autodisovery automatically via Django` AppConfig (Django 1.7+)
  • add settings for enabling or disabling autodiscovery and autodiscovery module name



  • (contrib.apiroot) add possibiliy to autoregister apiroot view to specified resource


  • fix loading modules


  • add contrib.apiroot module
  • Resource expose and name arguments deprecation


  • fix double slashes problem


  • add internal error messages

0.5.0 and ealier are too old to mention them here.
