
Client library for accessing's Retina API.

semantic, text, processing, language
pip install retinasdk==1.0.0

Documentation - A Python Client for the Retina API

Pure Python wrapper library for's Retina API. Register for a free API key and include to add language intelligence to your application.

Introduction's Retina API allows the user to perform semantic operations on text. One can for example:

  • measure the semantic similarity between two written entities
  • create a semantic classifier based on positive and negative example texts
  • extract keywords from a text
  • divide a text into sub-sections corresponding to semantic changes
  • extract terms from a text based on part of speech tags

The meaning of terms and texts is stored in a sparse binary representation that allows the user to apply logical operators to refine the semantic representation of a concept.

You can read more about the technology at the documentation page.

To access the API, you will need to register for an API key.


The client is available on PyPI and can be installed via pip by running the following command in your terminal:

pip install retinasdk

This will pull in the requests library as well.

The client has been tested with Python versions 2.6, 2.7 and 3.4. It is compatible with 2.x.x versions of's api.

Usage offers two abstractions of the Retina API, a lightweight module that offers simplified access to the most common and useful API functions available and a full version module that gives the user complete control over various parameter settings and complete access to all API endpoints.

LiteClient Module

The LiteClient module is sufficient for most applications and offers the ability to quickly and easily compute keywords for a text, semantically compare two texts, retrieve similar terms, create category filters for semantic filtering and generate semantic fingerprints of a given text. To get started, create an instance of the lightweight client by passing your API key as follows:

import retinasdk
liteClient = retinasdk.LiteClient("your_api_key")

The LiteClient object has 5 methods for accessing the API. You can:

  • Convert text into a semantic fingerprint, which is a list of integers (here shortened):
>>> liteClient.getFingerprint("Python is a widely used general-purpose, high-level programming language.")
[1, 3, 7, 8, 33, 35, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 77, 79, 89, 117, ..., 16380, 16381, 16382]
  • Retrieve similar terms for a text (or a fingerprint):
>>> liteClient.getSimilarTerms("python")
['python', 'perl', 'implementations', 'compiler', 'javascript', 'programmers', 'runtime', 'unix', 'php', 'api', 'gui', 'java', 'object-oriented', 'executable', 'functionality', 'compilers', 'scripting', 'programmer', 'plugins', 'interface']
  • Get the keywords of a text:
>>> liteClient.getKeywords("Vienna is the capital and largest city of Austria, and one of the nine states of Austria")
['austria', 'vienna']
  • Compute the similarity (in the range [0;1]) between two texts (here just terms to keep the example short), or any combination of texts and fingerprints:
>>>"apple", "microsoft")
>>>"apple"), liteClient.getFingerprint("microsoft"))
>>>"apple"), "microsoft")
  • Construct a composite Fingerprint from a list of texts (here just terms to keep the example short), and use the filter to compare and classify new texts:
neurologyFilter = liteClient.createCategoryFilter(["neuron", "synapse", "neocortex"])
>>>, "cortical column")
0.35455851788907006 # high semantic similarity -> poitive classification
>>>, "skylab")
0.056544622895956895 # low semantic similarity -> negative classification

FullClient Module

Using this client, you will have access to the full functionality of's Retina API.

As with the LiteClient, the FullClient must be instantiated with a valid API key, but you can also change the default host address (in case you have your own AWS or Azure instance), as well as which retina to use.

import retinasdk
fullClient = retinasdk.FullClient("your_api_key", apiServer="", retinaName="en_associative")

On the full client, you get responses back in accordance with the response objects delivered from the REST api. For example calling getTerms will return a list of Term objects, and compare will return a Metric object:

>>> fullClient.getTerms(term="python")
[Term(df=0.00025051038056906765, term='python', score=0.0, pos_types=['NOUN'], fingerprint=Fingerprint(positions=[]))]

>>> import json
>>>[{"term": "synapse"}, {"term": "skylab"}]))
Metric(cosineSimilarity=0.032885723350542136, overlappingLeftRight=0.02631578947368421, jaccardDistance=0.9836956521739131, weightedScoring=0.6719223186964691, sizeRight=146, sizeLeft=228, overlappingAll=6, overlappingRightLeft=0.0410958904109589, euclideanDistance=0.9679144385026738)

All return types are defined in modules in the source folder retinasdk/model/. Please visit the REST api for more details about return types, or consult the documentation of the methods of the FullClient.

Semantic Expressions

The semantic fingerprint is the basic unit within the Retina API. A text or a term can be resolved into a fingerprint using the API. Fingerprints can also be combined in expressions, and a number of methods expect input in our expression language. This is explained in more detail here.

Expressions are essentially json strings with reserved keys: term, text, and positions. In the previous example, we note that the compare function takes as argument a list of two such expressions. In Python we can create a list of two dictionaries with (in this case) term elements and use the json module to convert it to a valid json string (json.dumps()). You can however also create the string yourself:

>>>'[{"term": "synapse"}, {"term": "skylab"}]')
Metric(cosineSimilarity=0.032885723350542136, overlappingLeftRight=0.02631578947368421, jaccardDistance=0.9836956521739131, weightedScoring=0.6719223186964691, sizeRight=146, sizeLeft=228, overlappingAll=6, overlappingRightLeft=0.0410958904109589, euclideanDistance=0.9679144385026738)

FullClient Example Usage

import json

# Retrieve a list of all available Retinas

# Retrieve information about a specific term

# Get contexts for a given term
fullClient.getContextsForTerm("python", maxResults=3)

# Get similar terms and their Fingerprints for a given term
fullClient.getSimilarTermsForTerm("python", getFingerprint=True)

# Encode a text into a Semantic Fingerprint
fullClient.getFingerprintForText("Python is a widely used general-purpose, high-level programming language.")

# Return keywords from a text
fullClient.getKeywordsForText("Python is a widely used general-purpose, high-level programming language.")

# Returns tokens from an input text
fullClient.getTokensForText("Python is a widely used general-purpose, high-level programming language.", POStags="NN,NNP")

# Slice the input text according to semantic changes (works best on larger texts of at least several sentences)
fullClient.getSlicesForText("longer text with several sentences...")

# Return Semantic Fingerprints for numerous texts in a single call
fullClient.getFingerprintsForTexts(["first text", "second text"])

# Detect the language for an input text
fullClient.getLanguageForText("Dieser Text ist auf Deutsch")

# Return the Fingerprint for an input expression
fullClient.getFingerprintForExpression(json.dumps({"text": "Python is a widely used general-purpose, high-level programming language."}))

# Return contexts for an input expression
fullClient.getContextsForExpression(json.dumps({"text": "Python is a widely used general-purpose, high-level programming language."}))

# Return similar terms for an input expression
fullClient.getSimilarTermsForExpression(json.dumps({"text": "Python is a widely used general-purpose, high-level programming language."}))

# Return Fingerprints for multiple semantic expressions
fullClient.getFingerprintsForExpressions(json.dumps([{"text": "first text"}, {"text": "second text"}]))

# Return contexts for multiple semantic expressions
fullClient.getContextsForExpressions(json.dumps([{"text": "first text"}, {"text": "second text"}]))

# Return similar terms for multiple semantic expressions
fullClient.getSimilarTermsForExpressions(json.dumps([{"text": "first text"}, {"text": "second text"}]))

# Compute the semantic similarity of two input expressions[{"term": "synapse"}, {"term": "skylab"}]))

# Make multiple comparisons in a single call
comparison1 = [{"term": "synapse"}, {"term": "skylab"}]
comparison2 = [{"term": "mir"}, {"text": "skylab was a space station"}]
fullClient.compareBulk(json.dumps([comparison1, comparison2]))

# Create an image from an expression
imageData = fullClient.getImage(json.dumps({"term": "python"}), plotShape="square")

# Create multiple images from multiple expressions in a single call
fullClient.getImages(json.dumps([{"text": "first text"}, {"text": "second text"}]))

# Create a composite image showing the visual overlap between two expressions
fullClient.compareImage(json.dumps([{"text": "first text"}, {"text": "second text"}]))

# Create a filter Fingerprint from positive (related) and negative (unrelated) example texts.
fullClient.createCategoryFilter("test", ["Python is a widely used general-purpose, high-level programming language."], negativeExamples=["Monty Python (sometimes known as The Pythons) were a British surreal comedy group."])


For further documentation about the Retina-API and information on's 'Retina' technology please see our Knowledge Base. Also the tests folder contains more examples of how to use the clients.

If you have any questions or problems please visit our forum.

Change Log

v 1.0.0

  • Initial release.
  • Refactoring and migrating project from previous GitHub repo.