Radio interferometric transient search pipeline for realfast

interferometry, pipeline, python, radio-astronomy, transients
pip install rfpipe==1.3.7



A fast radio interferometric transient search library. Extends on rtpipe.

This library primarily supports offline analysis of VLA data on a single workstation. Integration with the real-time VLA and cluster processing is provided by realfast.

Planned future development include:

  • Supporting other search algorithms.
  • Extending support for GPUs.
  • Supporting other interferometers by adding data and metadata reading functions.
  • Remove dependence on rtpipe.
  • Python 3 support.

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rfpipe requires the anaconda installer on Linux and OSX. The most reliable install process adds two custom channels and a new build environment.

conda config --add channels pkgw-forge
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda create -n realfast numpy scipy cython matplotlib pwkit casa-tools casa-python casa-data numba pyfftw
source activate realfast
pip install -e git+git://


  • numpy/scipy/matplotlib
  • pwkit casa environment (for quanta and measures)
  • numba (for multi-core and gpu acceleration)
  • rtpipe (for flagging; will be removed soon)
  • astropy (<3.0; for Python2 and 3 compatibility)
  • sdmpy
  • pyfftw
  • pyyaml
  • attrs
  • rfgpu (optional; for GPU FFTs)
  • vys/vysmaw and vysmaw_reader (optional; to read vys data from VLA correlator)


If you use rfpipe, please support open software by citing the record on the Astrophysics Source Code Library at In AASTeX, you can do this like so:

\software{..., rfpipe \citep{2017ascl.soft10002L}, ...}