python riminder riminder api package

ai, api, hr, python, recruiting
pip install riminder==1.4.2



🐍 Riminder API Python Wrapper


The package is available for python3.5 >= or python2.7.*

$ pip3 install riminder


$ pip install riminder


Example Source

    >>> import riminder
    >>> client = riminder.Riminder(api_key="YOUR_API_KEY")
    >>> result = client.source.list()
    >>> print(result)
    "code": 200,
    "message": "ok",
    "data": [
        "_id": "7c94e981cd23d16f5c549eea21a7554db0c927a7",
        "name": "Careers website",
        "type": "api",
        "archive": false

Example Profile

    >>> import riminder
    >>> client = riminder.Riminder(api_key="YOUR_API_KEY")
    >>> result = client.profile.list(source_ids=["source_id"])
    >>> print(result)
        "code": 200,
        "message": "OK",
        "data": {
            "page": 1,
            "maxPage": 3,
            "count_profiles": 85,
            "profiles": [
                "profile_id": "215de6cb5099f4895149ec0a6ac91be94ffdd246",
                "profile_reference": "49583",

Example Filter

    >>> import riminder
    >>> client = riminder.Riminder(api_key="YOUR_API_KEY")
    >>> result = client.filter.list()
    >>> print(result)
        "code": 200,
        "message": "ok",
        "data": [
            "filter_id": "7c94e981cd23d16f5c549eea21a7554db0c927a7",
            "filter_reference": "1248593",
            "name": "Talent Acquisition Specialist",
            "archive": false,
            "date_creation": {
                "date": "2017-07-27 18:49:41.000000",
                "timezone_type": 3,
                "timezone": "Europe/Paris"


For any methods that needs *_id and *_reference you need to provide at least one of them but not necessarily both, keep in mind that reference override id.


  • profile.list().
    Retreive all profiles that match the query param, only source_ids are required
    client.profile.list(source_ids, seniority, stage, date_start, date_end, filter_id, page, limit, sort_by, filter_reference, order_by)

source_ids is required

  • profile.add().
    Add a profile resume to a source id
    client.profile.add(source_id, file_path, profile_reference, timestamp_reception, training_metadata)

source_id and file_path are required

  • profile.addList().
    Add all resume from a directory to a source id
    response = client.profile.addList(source_id, file_path, is_recurcive, timestamp_reception, training_metadata)
    # file successfully sent
    serverResponse = response['success']['path/to/file']
    # file not sent
    error = response['fail']['path/to/file']

source_id and file_path are required.

  • profile.get().
    Retrieve the profile information associated with profile id.
    client.profile.get(source_id, profile_id, profile_reference)

source_id and whether profile_id or profile_reference are required.

  • profile.document.list().
    Retrieve the profile information associated with profile id.
    client.profile.document.list(source_id, profile_id, profile_reference)

source_id and whether profile_id or profile_reference are required.

  • profile.parsing.get().
    Retrieve the profile parsing data path associated with profile id.
    client.profile.parsing.get(source_id, profile_id, profile_reference)

source_id and whether profile_id or profile_reference are required.

  • profile.scoring.list().
    Retrieve the profile scoring associated with profile id.
    client.profile.scoring.list(source_id, profile_id)

source_id and whether profile_id or profile_reference are required.

  • profile.revealing.get(). Reveal the profile interpretability associated with profile id related to the filter.
    client.profile.revealing.get(source_id, profile_id, filter_id)

source_id and whether profile_id or profile_reference and filter_id or filter_reference are required.

  • profile.stage.set().
    Edit the profile stage given a filter.
    client.profile.stage.set(source_id, profile_id, filter_id, stage, profile_reference, filter_reference)

source_id, stage, whether profile_id or profile_reference and whether filter_id or filter_reference are required.

  • profile.rating.set().
    Edit the profile rating given a filter, all params are required
    client.profile.rating.set(source_id, profile_id, filter_id, rating, profile_reference, filter_reference)

source_id, rating, whether profile_id or profile_reference and whether filter_id or filter_reference are required.

  • profile.json.check().
    Check validate a parsed profile is valid for upload.
  client.profile.json.check(profile_data, training_metadata)

profile_data is required.

  • profile.json.add().
    Add a parsed profile to the platform.
  client.profile.json.add(source_id, profile_data, training_metadata, profile_reference, timestamp_reception)

profile_data and source_id are required.

training_metadata is a list of object like this:

training_metadata = [
        "filter_reference": "reference0",
        "stage": null,
        "stage_timestamp": null,
        "rating": 2,
        "rating_timestamp": 1530607434
        "filter_reference": "reference1",
        "stage": null,
        "stage_timestamp": null,
        "rating": 2,
        "rating_timestamp": 1530607434

profile_data is an object like this:

profile_data = {
            "name": "Hari Seldon",
            "email": "harisledon@trantor.trt",
            "address": "1 rue streeling",
            "experiences": [
                "start": "15/02/12600",
                "end": "",
                "title": "Lead",
                "company": "Departement de la psychohistoire",
                "location": "Trator",
                "description": "Developping psychohistoire."
            "educations": [
                "start": "12540",
                "end": "12550",
                "title": "Diplome d'ingénieur mathematicien",
                "school": "Université de Hélicon",
                "description": "Etude des mathematique",
                "location": "Hélicon"
            "skills": [
              "manual skill",
              "Creative spirit",
              "Writing skills",
              "Project management",


  • source.list().
    get all sources
  • source.get().
    Retrieve the source information associated with source id

source_id is required.


  • filter.list().
    Retrieve all filters for given team account
  • filter.get().
    Retrieve the filter information associated with the filter_id or filter_reference
    client.filter.get(filter_id, filter_reference)

filter_id or filter_reference is required.

## webhook

  • webhook.check() Checks weither your webhook integration is enabled and works.
  • webhook.setHandler()
    Add an handler of a webhook event
  client.webhooks.setHandler(event_name, callback)

event_name and callback are required.

  • webhook.isHandlerPresent(event_name).
    Checks if a callback is bind to an event

event_name and callback are required.

  • webhook.removeHandler(event_name).
    Remove the handler for a webhook event_name

event_name and callback are required.

  • webhook.handleRequest(request_headers, signature_header)
    Start the handler for the given webhook request.
  client.webhooks.handle(request_headers, signature_header)

request_headers the headers of the webhook request while signature_header is the HTTP-RIMINDER-SIGNATURE header only, one of them is required.

event_name is required

  • handle webhook request

Here is an example of how to handle webhooks

  import riminder

  def func_callback(event_name, webhook_data):
    print("{} {}".format(event_name, webhook_data)

  client = riminder.Riminder('api_key', webhook_secret='webhook_key')

  # Set an handler for webhook event.
  callback = func_callback
  resp = client.webhooks.setHandler('profile.parse.success', callback)

  # Get the header of the request sent by the webhook.
  encoded_header = {HTTP-RIMINDER-SIGNATURE: 'some encoded datas'}

  # Handle the webhook


All code is unit tested. To run the test, please follow these steps

  • git clone
  • From your python virtual environment navigate to the project directory and install requirements
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt


$ pip install -r requirements.txt
  • run test
$ ./run_test


  • Here an example on how to get help:
   >>> from riminder import Riminder
   >>> from riminder.profile import Profile
   >>> help(Profile.update_rating)

   Help on function update_rating in module riminder.profile:

   update_rating(self, source_id=None, profile_id=None, filter_id=None, rating=None)
   Edit the profile rating given a filter

       profile_id:             <string>
                               profile id
   body params:
       source_id:              <string>
                               source id associated to the profile

       filter_id:                 <string>
                               filter id
       rating:                 <int32>
                               profile rating from 1 to 4 associated to the filter.

       Response that contains code 201 if successful
       Other status codes otherwise.