

pip install rlclient==0.2.1




A client to communicate with the Rocket League game coordinator servers.

Two things to keep in mind:

  • This package is expected to change a lot between versions. If you want to use it, pin the requirement spec to the latest version! A minor version will be bumped for a breaking API change (such as adding a parser for a new call type.)

  • We're accessing a private API here, so don't be surprised if your stuff just randomly breaks due to some change by Psyonix.


pip3.5 install rlclient


Instantiate the client with RocketLeagueClient('login_key', 'session_key'). You can pass a specific session ID in the third parameter (and omit the login key which is only used for opening sessions) or even change the environment from the default Prod with the fourth parameter.

Alternatively, you can use the RLCLIENT_LOGIN_KEY, RLCLIENT_SESSION_KEY, RLCLIENT_SESSION_ID and RLCLIENT_ENVIRONMENT environment variables, and pass no parameters to the client in your code.


The basic usage goes like this:

>>> from rlclient import RocketLeagueClient
>>> client = RocketLeagueClient()  # auth details are set in the environment
>>> call = client.GetPopulationAllPlaylists()
>>> client.request([call])[0]
{0: 35670, 1: 924, 2: 8398, 3: 10827, 4: 2017, 6: 3127, 7: 3926, 8: 7123, 9: 2928, 10: 2230, 11: 14718, 12: 2950, 13: 7358, 15: 801, 16: 1629, -2: 3961}

The client supports grouping multiple calls into one request, too, if the call happens to support this on the backend:

>>> calls = [
...     client.GetSkillLeaderboard_v2(10),
...     client.GetSkillLeaderboard_v2(11),
...     client.GetSkillLeaderboard_v2(12),
... ]
>>> responses = client.request(calls)
>>> [len(response) for response in responses]
[200, 200, 200]

If the call doesn't support this on the backend… don't worry! I've still got your back. The client is smart enough to figure out all of it:

>>> calls = [
...     client.GetPopulationAllPlaylists(),
...     client.GetSkillLeaderboard_v2(10),   #\
...     client.GetSeasonalPlaylists(),       # these three are grouped into one HTTP request
...     client.GetGenericDataAll(),          #/
...     client.GetPopulationAllPlaylists(),
... ]
>>> responses = client.request(calls)  # sends three HTTP requests
>>> for call, response in zip(calls, responses):
...     print('{0}: {1}'.format(call.method, response))
GetPopulationAllPlaylists: {0: 35670, 1: 924, 2: 8398, 3: 10827, 4: 2017, 6: 3127, 7: 3926, 8: 7123, 9: 2928, 10: 2230, 11: 14718, 12: 2950, 13: 7358, 15: 801, 16: 1629, -2: 3961}
GetSkillLeaderboard_v2: [...]  # trimmed in this example
GetSeasonalPlaylists: ['Experimental', 'SnowDayPromotion']
GetGenericDataAll: {'RankEnabled': True, 'Analytics': True, 'BugReports': False}
GetPopulationAllPlaylists: {0: 35670, 1: 924, 2: 8398, 3: 10827, 4: 2017, 6: 3127, 7: 3926, 8: 7123, 9: 2928, 10: 2230, 11: 14718, 12: 2950, 13: 7358, 15: 801, 16: 1629, -2: 3961}