
Display a randomly selected quote about Richard M. Stallman.

pip install rmsfact==0.4.1



A port of the R package rmsfact by Dirk Edelbuettel.

Display a randomly selected quote about Richard M. Stallman based on the collection in the 'GNU Octave' function 'fact()' which was aggregated by Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso based on the (now defunct) site stallmanfacts.com (which is accessible only via http://archive.org).


pip install rmsfact


The package exports a single function rmsfact() which returns a single randomly-chosen "fact" as a str.

import rmsfact


You can also run python -m rmsfact from a shell.

Building from source

In the event you want to build the package from source, clone the repository...

git clone https://github.com/lewinfox/rmsfact.git

... cd into the project directory...

cd rmsfact

...and install with make

make install

This builds the package and then runs python -m pip install .

Making changes

To add a new fact you can edit rmsfact/data/rmsfact.txt.

echo "A new fact" >> rmsfact/data/rmsfact.txt

The Makefile provides a couple of useful targets, one of which is make build_binary_data which executes the script rmsfact/data/build_rms_fact.py to convert rmsfact/data/rmsfact.txt into a .dat file using pickle. This .dat file is then read when the package is loaded.

Executing make build will rebuild the data file and produce the source and binary packages under a dist/ directory. You may need to python -m pip install build first.

make build

Other makefile targets

  • make install_dev: Install with pip -e