
Bank Account Number Generator

robotframework, iban, bankaccount, dutch, python
pip install robotframework-bankaccountnumber==0.2


Robot Framework Library for generating IBAN bank account numbers


Robot Framework Library for generating (mainly Dutch) IBAN bank account numbers. The Account Numbers pass the mod 11 and mod 97 checks. It is possible to generate international IBANs, in that case the bankcode and accountNumber have to be specified as arguments.


This library has the following keywords:

  • Generate NL Bank Account Number: Generates a valid mod 11 compliant number
  • Generate IBAN Account Number: generates the valid mod 97 checksum number.
  • Check IBAN Account Number: mod 97 validates an IBAN number.



Using PIP:

pip install robotframework-bankaccountnumber

Without PIP. Clone the project repository from GitHub. After that you can install the library with:

python install


Below is an example Robot Framework suite file.

*** Settings ***
Library    BankAccountNumber

*** Test Cases ***
Generate Bank Account Number
    ${number}=    Generate NL Bank Account Number
    Log To Console    \n${number}

Generate Bank Account Number List
    @{numbers}=    Generate NL Bank Account Number    total=5
    Log List To Console    ${numbers}

Generate IBAN Account Number
    ${iban}=      Generate IBAN Account Number
    Log To Console    \n${iban}

Generate IBAN Account Number using an existing Account Number
    ${iban}=      Generate IBAN Account Number    accountNumber=993267483
    Log To Console    \n${iban}

Generate IBAN Account Number for German Bank
    ${iban}=      Generate IBAN Account Number    DE    37040044    0517012104
    Log To Console    \n${iban}

Generate Bank Account Number and create ING Bank IBAN for it
    ${number}=    Generate NL Bank Account Number
    ${iban}=      Generate IBAN Account Number    NL    INGB    ${number}
    Log To Console    \n${iban}

Generate IBAN Account Number for ING bank
    ${iban}=      Generate IBAN Account Number    bankCode=INGB
    Log To Console    \n${iban}

Check IBAN Account Number
    ${pass}=    Check IBAN Account Number    NL67INGB0763159700
    ${fail}=    Check IBAN Account Number    NL68INGB0763159700

*** Keywords ***
Log List To Console
    [Arguments]    ${list}
    ${count}=    Get Length    ${list}
    Log To Console    \nList length is ${count} and it contains the following items:
    FOR    ${index}    IN RANGE    0    ${count}
        Log To Console    ${index}: ${list}[${index}]