
RobotFramework extended keyword library; Allow background system monitoring; aTop, Time, SSHLibrary

pip install robotframework-remote-monitor-library==2.8.6


Remote Monitor Library (Version 2.7.13)


RemoteMonitorLibrary allow collect system data of target linux host during any Robotframework testing process being running


Main keyword library executing background python threads for SqlLite db node, separate threads for system trace collecting plugins By default library contain 'aTop'. 'atop' command being executing with predefined interval & its out put parsed as following:

aTop System Level

System level portion of 'atop' being storing in database, and later can be shown as chart in special html page Link to it logged to robotframework regular log

aTop Process Level

TBD in future releases

PlugIn extension API

Library provide special API for create custom plugins (SystemTraceLibrary.api.[plugins, model])


python -m pip install robotframework-remote-monitor-library


LibDoc: Library documentation

Test/Keywords within *.robot file

*** Settings ***
Library  RemoteMonitorLibrary 
...     [location (Default: logs)] 
...     [file_name (Default: system_trace.db)]
...     [cumulative (Default: False)]
...     [custom_plugins (Default: None)]

Suite Setup  run keywords  Create host monitor  ${HOST}  ${USER}  ${PASSWORD}  [${PORT} (Default: 22)] 
...                 [alias=${SUITE_NAME} (Default: user@host)]
...          AND  Start monitor plugin  aTop  interval=1s
Test Setup   Start period  ${TEST_NAME}
Test Teardown  run keywords  Stop period   ${TEST_NAME}
...             AND  generate module statistics  ${TEST_NAME}
Suite Teardown  Close host connection  alias=${SUITE_NAME}

*** Tests ***
    Do something here

PlugIn public API

SystemTraceLibrary allow creating extended plugins for trace customer purposes

Follow next guide:

Create python project
Create following files inside:

Main init project file for expose Plugin class
    from .pluin_file import MyPlugInName
    __all__ = [MyPlugInName.__name__]
Runner definition
 from RemoteMonitorLibrary.api import plugins
 class MyPlugInName(plugins.PlugInAPI):
     # If constractor override required, keep following signature 
     def __init__(self, parameters, data_handler, host_id, **kwargs):
         plugins.PlugInAPI.__init__(self, parameters, data_handler, host_id=host_id, **kwargs)
         self._my_own_var = ...

     def affiliated_tables() -> Iterable[model.Table]:
         return my_plugin_table(),
     def affiliated_charts() -> Iterable[plugins.ChartAbstract]:
         return MyPlugInChart(),
Tables definition
 from RemoteMonitorLibrary.api import model

 class my_plugin_table(model.TimeReferencedTable / model.Table):
     def __init__(self):
         model.TimeReferencedTable.__init__(self, name='plugin_table',
                                            queries=[model.Query('name', 'select * from table_name where field01 = {}')]
 !!! PAY ATTENTION - TimeReferencedTable automatically add fields for reference table entries to time line 
 In case it not requires, use model.Table base class
Parser definition
from RemoteMonitorLibrary.api import plugins, model

class my_parser(plugins.Parser):
     def __call__(*output) -> bool:
        table_template = self.table.template
        your_data = []
        for item in <data samples>:
        data_unit = model.DataUnit(self.table, *your_data)
Chart definition
 from RemoteMonitorLibrary.api.plugins import ChartAbstract
 class MyPlugInChart(ChartAbstract):
 Creating charts require familirisation with pandas & matplotlib


Preinstalled: atop, time installed on remote host, ssh enabled

Supported OS

All linux based system where atop supported

Open issues

  • Add period histogram square or vertical line over system graph for indicate different period's start/stop on same chart instead of create separated charts per period