
Robot Framework library for generating test data from templates

pip install robotframework-templateddata==1.3.0


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TemplatedData is Robot Framework library for dynamically generated test data using robot variables and Jinja templating.


Python 3.6+ and Robot Framework 3.2.1+.

TemplatedData will most likely work on other versions but it's not tested on them.


You can install TemplateData by running:

pip install robotframework-templateddata


You need to import TemplatedData as library first:

*** Settings ***
Library    TemplatedData

TemplatedData will replace all occurences of robot variables (${var}) in file or variable using current robot context and scopes. All test data in below examples are saved under 'test_data.txt' files

Test data:

my variable is ${var}

Robot code:

${var}     Set Variable    ${10}
${data}    Get Templated Data From Path    test_data.txt
Log    ${data} # it should print `my variable is 10`

Default values

If the variable is not found it will be replaced with empty string. You can override that behaviour:

${data}    Get Templated Data From Path    test_data.txt    default_empty=${5}
Log    ${data} # it should print `my variable is 5`

You can also set default value of variable with : symbol.

Test data:

my variable is ${var} and ${var2:some string}

Robot code:

${var}     Set Variable    ${10}
${data}    Get Templated Data From Path    test_data.txt
Log    ${data} # it should print `my variable is 10 and some string`

Return value type

Return value can be either text/string (default) or json.

Test data:

{ "key": "${var}" }

Robot code:

${data}    Get Templated Data From Path    test_data.txt    var=value    return_type=json
Log    ${data} # it should print `{ "key": "value" }` and ${data} will be of type json

Jinja templating

TemplatedData can also render the Jinja templates using Robot Framework variables. To enable Jinja template pass jinja_template as argument to library import or method call:

 *** Settings ***
Library    TemplatedData  jinja_template=${True}


*** Keywords ***
Load Data
    ${data}    Get Templated Data From Path    data.template    jinja_template=${True}

Test data (Jinja template):

    "accounts": [
        { "id": {{ ${account_id:5} }} },
        { "id2": "{{ ${account_id2} }}" }
    "users": [
{%- for user, amount in ${users.items()} %}
        "name": "{{ user }}",
        "amount": {{ amount }}
      }{{ "," if not loop.last }}
{%- endfor %}

Robot code:

${data}    Get Templated Data From Path    data.template    jinja_template=${True}

Example data output:

    "accounts": [
        { "id": 10 },
        { "id2": "10" }
    "users": [
        "name": "bartek",
        "amount": 5
        "name": "tymoteusz",
        "amount": 10
        "name": "pawel",
        "amount": -1