
Tool for quick assessment of image classifiers robustness

pip install robustcheck==1.1.0


RobustnessCheck Package


RobustnessCheck is a Python package designed for evaluating the robustness of image classification machine learning models. It provides tooling to apply simple, yet effective and efficient black-box untargeted adversarial attacks against models that expose a batch predict function that outputs probability distributions.

This tool is relevant to researchers and practitioners who wish to assess the resilience of their models to adversarial perturbations or their robustness in a more general way.

The black-box, untargeted adversarial attacks used for robustness assessment are EvoBA, which is a peer-reviewed and published approach [1], and EpsGreedy, which is a variation of EvoBA following the classic Epsilon-Greedy exploration strategy.


An HTML documentation of the package is available here .

This was generated using Sphinx.


  • Black-box Untargeted Adversarial Attack: Evaluate model performance under adversarial conditions without the need for internal model details.
  • Customizable Attack Parameters: Fine-tune the attack to suit specific needs and scenarios.
  • Easy to use: Users are able to run robustness checks with very few and general lines of code that we provide documentation for. We also provide default settings and thumb-rules for configuring the robustness checks such that users do not need to spend time on fine-tuning the attacks if they are only interested in a general set of robustness metrics.
  • Simple Integration: Designed to work with models that have a .predict function, facilitating easy integration with existing machine learning workflows. Being a black-box adversarial attack, this can be integrated with a wide variety of models, so not only with deep neural networks.


To install RobustnessCheck, clone this repo and run the following command in the base folder:

python -m pip install .


To use RobustnessCheck, follow these steps:

Step 1: Import the package and prepare your model

Ensure your model exposes a .predict(image_batch) function which can take as input an np.array batch of images and produces as output an array of arrays representing the probability distributions for each image in the batch to be classified as any of the existing classes.

Import the RobustnessCheck package as follows:

import robustcheck

Step 2: Prepare Your Data

Provide a sample of images (x_test) with their correct labels (test_labels). These have to be of np.array type.

Step 3: Configure and Run Robustness Check

Create a RobustnessCheck object with your model, test data, and attack parameters:

rc = robustcheck.RobustnessCheck(
        "generation_size": 160,
        "one_step_perturbation_pixel_count": 10,
        "pixel_space_int_flag": False,
        "pixel_space_min": 0,
        "pixel_space_max": 255,
        "verbose": False,
        "steps": 100,

Check the documentation to understand how to select these parameters. There are two attacks that we support so far that come with different tradeoffs: AttackType.EVOBA and AttackType.EPSGREEDY, each coming with a different set of attack_params that can be customised. First time users are advised to use AttackType.EVOBA.

Step 4: Run Robustness Check

Execute the robustness check:

_ = rc.run_robustness_check()

This is where we actually run the robustness checks by triggering an adversarial attack against each image that is correctly classified by model in the provided x_test sample.

Step 5: Review Results

Print the robustness statistics:


This will produce an output that looks like

EvoBA STATS (L0 attack)
Perturbed successfully 698/698 images
Average query count: 204.76790830945558
Average l0 distance: 20.240687679083095
Average l2 distance per pixel: 0.000610999622688751

Median query count: 151.0
Median l0 dist: 15.0

Max query count: 1831
Max l0 dist: 181

Step 6: Interpret Results

Check our documentation for a comprehensive description of the results.


Contributions to RobustnessCheck are welcome. Please read our contributing guidelines before submitting a pull request.


RobustnessCheck is licensed under MIT License.


For support, please open an issue on our GitHub issue tracker.

For bugs, provide information on what was the expected behaviour, what was the actual behaviour, and how to reproduce your case.

For feature requests, explain what is the feature you would like us to add and what would be some of its use cases.


[1] Neural Information Processing: 28th International Conference, ICONIP 2021, Sanur, Bali, Indonesia, December 8–12, 2021, Proceedings, Part III

"'As the oak resists the wind and grows stronger, let our models face adversarial challenges and emerge more robust.' - Marcus Aurelius" - ChatGPT