
Rocket League Boxcars-Replay Analyzer

analytics, boxcars, rocket-league
pip install rockalyzer==0.1.0


Rocket League Boxcars-Replay Analyzer

Version Downloads


  • Replay and analyze Rocket League Boxcars replays (you can use rrrocket or boxcars-py to parse a .replay-file into a useable .json-file)
  • Extract general info
    • game playlist (casual_duel, ranked_double, ...)
    • date and time
    • replay-name and unique replay-id
    • map-name
  • Extract info about players
    • name, scores, goals, saves, assists, shots
    • platform (Steam, PlayStation, PsyNet, and Xbox) and unique platform_id
    • MMR, if available (using BakkesMod)
    • title
    • ping (including min, max, and average)
  • Extract info about goals
    • when, where, who
    • ball speed (in km/h)
  • Extract some debug stuff like
    • complete history of player and ball positions
    • complete history of some more abstract values (see stats['debug'])
  • And more. Feel free to explore it!


Run the following to install:

pip install rockalyzer


Make sure you parsed the replay to a json file first using one of the tools mentioned above.

from rockalyzer import Replayer

# load replay as JSON file and set render mode
replayer = Replayer('path/to/replay.json', render=True)

# print header infos

# replay file
stats = replayer.replay()

Simple render

If you set render=True when creating the Replayer-object, you get a simple (almost real-time) render of the game using matplotlib Screenshot of render

Build and upload package to PyPi

python ./ bdist_wheel sdist
python -m twine upload dist/*