
A cipher package meant for CLI use to encrypt/decrypt using various ciphers

pip install ron-cipher==1.0.4



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A CLI tool that implements various ciphers, including the ability to encrypt and decrypt

Supported Ciphers

  • Caeser
  • Vigenère

How To Use

This tool is meant to be used as a CLI (command line interface). You will need to install the package from pypi

pip install ron-cipher

After installing, you can immediately start using the tool from your command line

Caeser Cipher


Default Rotation
ron_cipher caeser -i "some random string" -a encrypt
Custom Rotation

The rotation is an int which works by pushing the values over by 1. Do note that the dictionary used to store characters and their indices is likely not what you expected. Please take a look at ciphers.cipher_helper if you want to see how characters are stored

ron_cipher caeser -r 1 -i "some random string" -a encrypt


Default Rotation
ron_cipher caeser -i "4c0> e.#qc0 4(e^#[" -a decrypt
Custom Rotation
ron_cipher caeser -r 1 -i ">:.3 =~/2:. >?=7/5" -a decrypt

Vignère Cipher


Default Secret
ron_cipher vigenere -i "some random string" -a encrypt
Custom Secret

The secret is a string which works by getting the indices of the characters within the secret and adding them to the respective indices of the plaintext to find the encrypted value

ron_cipher vigenere -s "supersecret" -i "some random string" -a encrypt


Default Rotation
ron_cipher vigenere -i ",[<^ ,?@(g? ,{[#@0" -a decrypt
Custom Rotation
ron_cipher vigenere -s "supersecret" -i ",i%+ ,&<6>{ m\\#," -a decrypt


There is some weirdness when it comes to some inputs and how bash decides to interpret them. If you want to be safe, try the following ways:

  • Wrap With Quotes
  • Use Equals


ron_cipher caeser -s "supersecret" -i=",i%+ ,&<6>{ m\\#," -a decrypt