RootMD is a markdown processor for markdown with ROOT-flavored c++ code. RootMD can execute c++ code and inject the output (from stdout, stderr) and link or embed image outputs

root, markdown, physics
pip install rootmd==0.5.5


RootMD 🩺 👩🏼‍⚕️

Scientific reports/literate programming tool for CERN ROOT and c++. RootMD is a markdown (and other format) processor for mark up with ROOT-flavored c++ code. RootMD can execute c++ code and inject the output (from stdout, stderr) and link or embed image outputs. Provides a format for producing code + result for better documentation / notes. This is by design not a jupyter notebook, e.g. not a REPL-like environment. If you like Jupyter notebooks then use that :).


  • execute c++ code blocks via ROOT REPL
  • capture stdout, stderr and inject into output
  • embed (base64) or link to any image files produced
  • output to HTML, Markdown (or obsidian flavored markdown), or as a presentation (via Marp)
  • execute html, css, javascript code blocks (for html output) to customize output


usage: rootmd [-h] [--output OUTPUT]
              [--format {html,md,obsidian,json,terminal}] [--embed]
              [--asset-dir ASSET_DIR] [--verbosity VERBOSITY]
              [--watch WATCH] [--run RUN] [--clean] [--no-exec]

Convert Markdown with inline c++ code to ROOT output.

positional arguments:
  input                 input Markdown file to execute and convert

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --output OUTPUT       output filename default <input>.<ext> where <ext>
                        is determined by the chosen format, default html
  --format {html,md,obsidian,json,terminal}
                        output format
  --embed               embed images as base 64
  --asset-dir ASSET_DIR
                        specify asset output directory, paths are NOTE re-
                        written to support unless using obsidian format
  --verbosity VERBOSITY
                        specify log verbosity
  --watch WATCH         watch a file or directory for changes
  --run RUN             command to run after processing a file. The
                        filename can be substituted into the command string
                        with {{file}}. Example: --run="echo {{file}}"
  --clean               clean artifacts, caution - should only use with
                        embed or asset copy to <asset-dir>
  --no-exec             Do not execute any code blocks, just process file
                        (useful for viewing and testing conversion)


  • make it a python package (so that it can be installed via pip)
    • Look into poetry
    • start versioning
  • support output verbosity levels
    • & make output useful
  • Add comment for input block identification upon processing
  • add watch functionality for reprocessing a file on change
    • Add some additional features
    • Handle watch of multiple files, and how output filename should be named
  • Add terminal output using rich pretty output package
    • consider iterm image support? See here
    • Basically, markdown output on the terminal : using rich
  • Add prismjs for inline code
  • test some failure modes when root code has errors leading to hang
  • add mathjax to html output for inline mathematics
  • "import" source files into output? So that you can write code in separate file but sow it in the output?
    • add as a block option
  • support for other "languages", e.g. shell
  • support for ROOTJS in HTML output
    • embed histogram as JSON object in HTML
  • clean assets in embed mode or other output path
  • download + embed external JS for fully contained, offline ready single file HTML output
  • Load HTML / CSS defaults from a file in the package
  • Better style HTML output (input / output cells more like Jupyter)
    • Consider adding JS for collapsing headings, output blocks etc.
  • add format option to output a ROOT macro with markdown and output converted to comments
  • integrate usage of RNUplot for graphical output!
  • implement an auto-draw so that you dont have to "Print(...)" every block
  • block option: run code block as a "macro"
    • You can already use .L, .x
  • move ROOT executor into member not superclass
  • auto-draw dont do it for cells without any drawing!
  • PDF support
  • Better PDF embed (link to file) (for Firefox especially) using canvas :
  • Embed PDF base64 in object tag

Feature wish list

  • Cache blocks of code for faster rerun
  • server for "sharing" of documents, from command line - use secret links
  • Technique for RAW output?
    • i.e. write out HTML Table or markup
  • inline code replacement, e.g. "We ran TString::Format("%d",tree->GetEntries()) events."

Improve ROOT?

  • Apply some default style options

Known issues

  • watch isnt working, especially when input not given
  • something is surely broken

ROOT REPL issues

ROOT REPL struggles with multi-line code:

  • function definitions with "{" on next line does not work since it doesn't understand
void hello() {
  // this works

void world() 
  // this DOES NOT work


RootMD itself is a pure python package which uses:

  • mistletoe : python markdown parser and processor
  • rich : Rich for pretty terminal output
  • pyyaml : for parsing yaml front matter
  • Dependencies for HTML output
    • prismjs for syntax highlighting in HTML output
    • mathjax for rendering mathematics
  • ROOT : installed on system and available on PATH

Example : see and

This is a simple example of markdown processed by RootMD. You can include any c++ code that ROOT can handle. For instance (using ROOT6) this part of the file was processed with

rootmd -f md -o
cout << "Hello from ROOT (stdout)" << endl;
cerr << "Hello from ROOT (stderr)" << endl;
# Block [0]
Hello from ROOT (stdout)
Hello from ROOT (stderr)
TH1 * h1 = new TH1F( "hGaus", ";x;counts", 100, -5, 5 );
h1->FillRandom( "gaus", 10000 );
h1->Draw( "pe" );
h1->Draw( "same hist" );
gPad->Print( "h1.svg" );
# Block [1]
Info in <TCanvas::MakeDefCanvas>:  created default TCanvas with name c1
Info in <TCanvas::Print>: SVG file h1.svg has been created
