
A python data exploration and analytics package

data, visualization, exploration, analysis, missing, science, pandas, python, jupyter
pip install rosebud==0.1



rosebud is an open-source tool for pulling CSVs into python, and immediately extracting basic statistics (mean, median, mode, quartile data, etc.) into variables, and has the capability of plotting these preliminary statistics via seaborn pairplots. rosebud also uses the visual capabilities of missingno to show a visual representation of the missing data within the CSVs.

rosebud is currently a single-handed project, and welcomes the community for contributions.


Current implementation will require user to download the script into the working directory, and import into script by using

from rosebud import *

rosebud is also available via pip :

pip install rosebud

but is currently not advised, since there are still issues with installation

Required packages:
  • os
  • numpy
  • pandas
  • matplotlib.pyplot
  • seaborn
  • missingno
  • warnings



tablesandstats(filepath, show_plots = 'all')

rosebud's tablesandstats() function is the libraries main function that does the following:

  • Import the .csv file into your workspace, and turn the file into a DataFrame.
  • Create the statistic variables of the DataFrame, following the pattern name columnName_indexName, derived from python's df.summary() function.
  • Generate a correlation matrix heatmap of the DataFrame.
  • Generate a "missing value ratio" grid for your columns, which shows what percentage of the data are null/NaN values.
  • Creates a visualization of the missing values (with column and row indication) via missingno's missingo.matrix() function
*for the following example, we will be using a file called 'Future_500'





Rosebud is creating tables and statistics from Future 500...

Measures of Center and Basic Descriptive Statistics of Future 500: 
                ID    Inception    Employees        Profit
count  500.000000   499.000000   498.000000  4.980000e+02
mean   250.500000  2010.174349   148.610442  6.539474e+06
std    144.481833     3.228211   397.353657  3.869934e+06
min      1.000000  1999.000000     1.000000  1.243400e+04
25%    125.750000  2009.000000    27.250000  3.272074e+06
50%    250.500000  2011.000000    56.000000  6.513366e+06
75%    375.250000  2012.000000   126.000000  9.303951e+06
max    500.000000  2014.000000  7125.000000  1.962453e+07

Feature Data Types of Future 500:
ID             int64
Name          object
Industry      object
Inception    float64
Employees    float64
State         object
City          object
Revenue       object
Expenses      object
Profit       float64
Growth        object

Feature Corrrelations of Future 500:


click link if photo not visible:


Dataset completeness of Future 500:

- Future 500 missing value ratio (percentage):

ID           0.0
Name         0.0
Industry     0.4
Inception    0.2
Employees    0.4
State        0.8
City         0.0
Revenue      0.4
Expenses     0.6
Profit       0.4
Growth       0.2

- Visual representation of missing value ratio:


click link if photo not visible:


Tables created:
* Future_500
* Future_500_Normalized

variable example from above process:


tablesandstats() parameters:

  • filepath = the directory of the .csv file

  • show_plots = you can choose which specific plots are shown on screen. takes the following values:

    • 'all': show all charts
    • 'none': show no charts
    • 'heatmap': show correlation grid only
    • 'completeness': show missing data visualization only


processfolder(folderpath, show_plots = 'all')

processfolder() is a wrapper for tablesandstats() which allows you to perform the tablesandstats() function on all .csv files in a folder. This function takes in the same parameters as tablesandstats(), but expects a folder path containing the .csv files, instead of the individual file path.


survey(filepath, filter_by = 'all', regress = False)

survey() takes in the file path, normalizes data, and performs pair plotting of the features as determined by correlation grid, stratified by levels of correlation. The function also prints out the pairwise correlations stratification of the features.

*for the following example, we will be using a file called 'data_numsOnly'



survey("C:/Users/YourName/.../data_numsOnly.csv", filter_by = 'strong_pos')


Rosebud is surveying out the data in data numsOnly (note: graphical scale is derived from a normalized data set)

!! NOTE: data numsOnly contains NaN values, which may affect true correlation value !!

Strong positive correlations:

[['Establishments' 'Average Employment']
 ['Establishments' 'Total Wage']
 ['Average Employment' 'Total Wage']]

Weak positive correlations:

[['NAICS' 'Year']]

Features with no correlations:

[['NAICS' 'Establishments']
 ['NAICS' 'Average Employment']
 ['NAICS' 'Total Wage']
 ['NAICS' 'Annual Average Salary']
 ['Year' 'Establishments']
 ['Year' 'Average Employment']
 ['Year' 'Total Wage']
 ['Year' 'Annual Average Salary']
 ['Establishments' 'Annual Average Salary']
 ['Establishments' 'Years Active']
 ['Average Employment' 'Annual Average Salary']
 ['Average Employment' 'Years Active']
 ['Total Wage' 'Annual Average Salary']
 ['Total Wage' 'Years Active']
 ['Annual Average Salary' 'Years Active']]

Weak Negative correlations:

[['NAICS' 'Years Active']]

Strong Negative correlations:

[['Year' 'Years Active']]

Pairwise relationship graphs of strong positive correlation features:


click link if photo not visible:


survey() parameters:

  • filepath = the directory of the .csv file

  • filter_by = select the stata of correlation you want plotted:

    • 'all' = plot all correlations (note: large datasets will take a long time for visualization)
    • 'strong_pos' = strong positive correlation
    • 'weak_pos' = weak positive correlation
    • 'no_corr' No correlation
    • 'weak_neg' = weak negative correlation
    • 'strong_neg' = strong negative correlation
  • regress = include a best-fit line to the pairplots


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
