
Reactive user interfaces with pure Python

react, javascript, reactpy, component, python
pip install rpysuite==0.0.2


IDOM · Tests PyPI Version License

IDOM connects your Python web framework of choice to a ReactJS frontend, allowing you to create interactive websites without needing JavaScript!

Following ReactJS styling, web elements are combined into reusable "components". These components can utilize hooks and events to create infinitely complex web pages.

When needed, IDOM can use components directly from NPM. For additional flexibility, components can also be fully developed in JavaScript.

Any Python web framework with Websockets can support IDOM. See below for what frameworks are supported out of the box.

Supported Frameworks Supported Frameworks (External)
Flask, FastAPI, Sanic, Tornado Django, Plotly-Dash, Jupyter

At a Glance

To get a rough idea of how to write apps in IDOM, take a look at this tiny Hello World application.

from idom import component, html, run

def HelloWorld():
    return html.h1("Hello, World!")



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