
Generates paths between the subnetworks of a local network and generates routing tables of all the routers of said local network

pip install rth==1.0.0


Routing Tables Generator

A program made by a networking developer, for all networking developers, sysadmins and other people that might find any use to it.

Is it finished yet?

Oh, god, no. I'm not sure I will be able to provide to anyone the software and website I've wanted to create for a age. But, I'm working on it.

So, how to use it?

Well, here's the problem. For the moment, you can't. I can't give any release date for now, but I work on it.

How to contact me, then?

On Discord: BioTheWolff#7708
By email: contact.biowolf@gmx.fr
You can also find me on these two french Discord servers:

What is it?

The Routing Tables Generator, or RTG, is a program that aims to provide an easy, and online, way to create routing tables. Instead of having to create them by hand, using a Virtual Machine or your own network, and a piece of paper, this virtual network builder and routing tables generator does it all for you.

Why was it born?

To be honest, I never thought it could be a thing. I always discussed problems creating networks and calculating routing tables, but I never imagined it. Then, I tried to find a way to easily create virtual networks. This derivate of the famous Python library ipaddress brought not only happiness of realisation, but also a thought: I could try to solve the tiring problems of the calculations of routing tables.