
This library provides user authorization functions through JSON Web Token (JWT) mechanism.

Django, django-rest, django-auth
pip install rxjwt==1.2


RXJWT - Extendable JWT library for Django REST Framework

This library provides user authorization functions through JSON Web Token (JWT) mechanism.


  1. pip install rxjwt
  2. Add rxjwt app to your INSTALLED APPS:
  1. Run migrate:
python manage.py migrate 
  1. Use the library


Basic usage

  1. Create new token pair where you need:
from rxjwt.token import generate_user_token_pair
from yourproject.settings import SECRET_KEY # Or use another strong secret 
access_token, refresh_token = generate_user_token_pair(user, SECRET_KEY)
  1. Send your token to user
... your view goes here ... 
return Response({
    "token": str(access_token)
  1. Verify your token:
from rxjwt.token import UserAccessToken 
from yourproject.settings import SECRET_KEY # Or use another strong secret  
token = UserAccessToken(token_as_string)
if token.verify(SECRET_KEY): 
    # Token is valid, do something e. g. user = token.get_user() 
    # Token is not valid, show an error message 

Usage as authentication class

Add rjxwt.auth.JWTAuthentication to your REST_FRAMEWORK settings:


Custom user tokens

You may extend token classes imported from rxjwt.token:

from rxjwt.token import UserAccessToken as UserAccessTokenBase
class MyUserAccessToken(UserAccessTokenBase): 

    def generate_user_secret(cls, user, secret=""): 
        return user.get_secret(secret)


All the settings must be listed in RXJWT setting like this:

... the rest of your settings.py ... 
  • ACCESS_TOKEN_CLASS: A string containing path to custom access token class e. g. yourapp.token.YourUserAccessToken. This setting must be set when using custom access token class and JWTAuthentication from rxjwt.auth
  • SOFT_DELETE_ATTR: A string containing soft delete attribute name of your User model. Defaults to datetime_removed. If there is an attribute with given name and it is not None token will be considered invalid.