Generic YAML/JSON configuration reader/writer

config, json, yaml, logging, flask, generic, custom
pip install saiti==0.31.4rc1


saiti - Generic YAML/JSON configuration handler

The saiti package convert a YAML or JSON config file into classes. To be used with our application. It performs validation on parameters and checks existence of parameters. The validation is to prevent typos in the configuration.

It currently supports to follwoing external packages;

  • Flask
  • Flask-JWT
  • Flask-JWT-Extended
  • Flask-SQLAlchemy
  • Flask-apscheduler


The concept is simple and straightforward to use start with a class that inherits the ConfigFile class and implement properies that are accessable at root file level. For primitive variable (str, int, bool and float) implement both propery getter and setter.

    class MyConfigurationFileObject( ConfigYamlFile ):
        def __init__( self, **kwargs )
            self.__property_name    = default value or None
            ConfigFile.__init__( self, **kwargs )
        def property_name( self ):
            return self.__property_name
        def property_name( self, value )
            self.__property_name = value

For complex properies only a getter needs to be implemented.

class MyConfigurationObject( ConfigProcessor ):
    def __init__( self, **kwargs )
        self.__list_property_name           = []
        self.__object_property_name         = DerivedConfigProcessor
        self.__list_objects_property_name   = DerivedConfigProcessorList

    def list_property_name( self ):
        return self.__list_property_name

    def object_property_name( self ):
        return self.__object_property_name

    def list_object_property_name( self ):
        return self.__list_object_property_name

The internal variable maybe a simple list with primitive variables, or an object derived from the ConfigProcessor or ConfigListProcessor in case of the list of complex objects.

An object deriving from the ConfigProcess class looks like the following

from saiti import ConfigProcessor

class MyConfigurationObject( ConfigProcessor ):
    def __init__( self, **kwargs ):
        self.__property_name    = default value or None
        ConfigProcessor.__init__( self, '<name>', **kwargs )
    def property_name( self ):
        return self.__property_name
    def property_name( self, value )
        self.__property_name = value

An list of complex object needs an implemetation as above as the object in the list. And an implementation of the ConfigListProcessor class like below.

from saiti import ConfigListProcessor   

class MyListConfigurationObject( ConfigListProcessor ):
    def __init__( self, **kwargs ):
        ConfigListProcessor.__init__( self, **kwargs )
    def newObject( self, name, obj ):
        return MyConfigurationObject( name )

There are a number of configuration classes in the library available;

  • LoggingConfig; implementing the standard python logging.
  • DatabaseConfig: implementing standard configuration items for access to a database with the following properies:
  • engine
  • database
  • username
  • password
  • hostname
  • hostport
  • FlaskConfig:

There also a number of mixins they can be found in the mixins subpackage;

  • HostPortConfigMixin; with the following properties:
  • hostname
  • host same ase hostname
  • hostport
  • port same ase hostport
  • UserPassConfigMixin; with the following properties:
  • username
  • password

Special cases

Whenever a configuration contains keys for configuration objects that are variable, therefore not predefined.

In the derived ConfigProcessor class the variable 'wildcardObject' must be set to a class derived from ConfigProcessor.


See the example folder