
Command-line filter for GitHub repositories that contain "samples", instead of real project or framework or library

dataset-filtering, github, machine-learning, research-project
pip install samples-filter==0.5.1



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Samples-filter is a command-line filter for GitHub repositories that contain samples, instead of real project or framework or library. E.g. leeowenowen/rxjava-examples, streaming-with-flink/examples-java, redisson/redisson-examples.

Motivation. During the work on CaM project, where we're building datasets with open source Java programs, we discovered the need for filtering repositories that contain not a real code, but rather samples, tutorials or examples. This repository is portable command-line tool that filters those sample repositories.

How to use

First, install it from PyPI like that:

pip install samples-filter

then, execute:

samples-filter filter --repositories=repos.csv --out=filtered.csv

For --repositories you should provide a name of existing CSV dataset with GitHub repositories, and name for the output file in --out (it will be created automatically). If you feel missed, try --help and tool will explain to you what you should do.

Optionally, you can decide which model to use for filtering via --model. You can pass either transformer (the default one), or rf.

How to contribute

Fork repository, make changes, send us a pull request. We will review your changes and apply them to the master branch shortly, provided they don't violate our quality standards. To avoid frustration, before sending us your pull request please run full build:

make install cov check

To set up virtual environment use this set of commands:

python3 -m venv venv
source $(pwd)/venv/bin/activate

You will need Python 3.11+ installed.