
OpenID Provider framework for sanic

sanic, openid, provider
pip install sanic-openid-connect-provider==0.9.0


Sanic OpenID Connect Provider


It's a work-in-progress, Alpha stage I would say. If anyone finds this useful / wants to use it, drop an issue I'd be more than happy to fix it up so its actually helpful to someone other than myself.

Last time I checked it passed around 82 / 93 of the OpenID Connect Provider Certification tests that appear when you tick webfinger, dynamic info discovery, dynamic client registration and select code response type.

It's pretty usable for the authorization code flow. Still needs a fair amount of re-architecting and cleaning up but I'm trying to make it so you can plug it into various backends like DynamoDB/Redis for token/client storage.

Docs and examples will be coming soon.


The package expects sanic_jinja2 and sanic_session to be in use and configured.


As said above it passes most of the OpenID tests I've ran against it. Below are the ones I haven't passed yet

Signature + Encryption

Haven't figured out why the userinfo enc/sig doesnt work yet.

  • OP-IDToken-SigEnc
  • OP-UserInfo-SigEnc
  • OP-request_uri-SigEnc


Haven't got around to this bit yet

  • OP-claims-acr-essential
  • OP-claims-acr-voluntary
  • OP-claims-acr=1


Doesnt display in a popup box

  • OP-display-popup

Misc Request Parameters

Haven't dealt with this yet.

  • OP-Req-acr_values

Key Rotation

Need some methods to rotate keys

  • OP-Rotation-OP-Enc
  • OP-Rotation-OP-Sig
  • OP-Rotation-RP-Enc
  • OP-Rotation-RP-Sig

Key creation


openssl genrsa -nodes -out rsa.pem 4096


openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out ec.pem
openssl ec -in ec.pem -pubout -out

OpenID Connect Node Example


* Note: This example is a "full" example that registers a new client with the OIDC server each time. This returns a client ID and secret.
*       In reality, you should only register once per service and then save the client information for future use.
*       I would advise using this script to register your client and test it - It will console.log the ID and secret which you can then hardcode:
*   In production, I import a modified version of this script with promise support. Make sure it's finished discovery before defining your
*   error handlers!

//******* Config
const config = {
    /* jshint ignore:start */
    //Server we're going to auth with
    authServer: "https://authserver",
    //Access token provided by admin for initial registration
    initialAccessToken: "dcb89d4c-fec4-11e8-8eb2-f2801f1b9fd1",
    //Listen port
    port: 3000,
    //All the settings required to register our client
    registration: {
        //IDP prefers ES256 encryption
        id_token_signed_response_alg: 'ES256',
        //Array of all potential redirect URI's
        redirect_uris: ["", ""],
        //String space-delimited list of all potentially required scopes
        scope: "openid email profile",
        grant_types: ['authorization_code'],
        application_type: 'web',
        //Name of client - For reference only
        client_name: 'Some client',
        subject_type: 'public',
        response_types: ["code"]
    auth: {
        //uri the IDP redirects to after authentication - Must be in the array above
        redirect_uri: "",
        //Scopes we want for authentication
        scope: "openid email profile",
        id_token_signed_response_alg: 'ES256'
    /* jshint ignore:end */

//******* End Config

const { Issuer } = require('openid-client');
const { Strategy } = require('openid-client');
const session = require('express-session');
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const passport = require('passport');

// Set up Express sessions in memory - Please don't do this in production, use something to store your sessions
// so we can load balance.
    secret: 'asupersecretpassword',
    resave: true,
    saveUninitialized: true
//Make sure to initialise before we start discovery

//Discover settings from OID server
    .then(customIssuer => {

        const opts = { initialAccessToken: config.initialAccessToken };
        const metadata = config.registration;

        // You only need to do client registration once (ever) - You should do it during development and then hardcode the client id and secret
        // Below is an example of a hardcoded client, rather than a client that registers each time
        // See more in the docs:

            // const client = new customIssuer.Client({
            //         client_id: '83fc3323d3c045a4',
            //         client_secret: '7f9b5e1721a244c989d011839595b766',
            //         id_token_signed_response_alg: 'ES256'
            //     });

         customIssuer.Client.register(metadata, opts)
           .then(client => {
            console.log("!!!!! Save this information for re-use later! !!!!!")
            console.log("Client ID:     " + client.client_id)
            console.log("Client Secret: " + client.client_secret)
            console.log("Metadata:      " + JSON.stringify(client.metadata, null, 2))

            const params = config.auth;
            // Setting up our strategy + validation function
            passport.use('oidc', new Strategy({client, params, passReqToCallback: null, sessionKey: null, usePKCE: false}, (tokenset, userinfo, done) => {
                return done(null, userinfo)

            passport.serializeUser((user, done) => {
                // This is where you'd get any extra locally-stored data from the database or something for accessing in req.user
                done(null, user);

            passport.deserializeUser((user, done) => {
                done(null, user);

            // GET /login will start authentication
            app.get('/login', passport.authenticate('oidc'));

            // GET /callback redirected from IDP with code
            app.get('/callback', passport.authenticate('oidc', {
              successRedirect: '/',
              failureRedirect: '/login'

            // Force every other request to check if user is authed, if not then redirect to /login and start auth
            app.use((req, res, next) => {
                if (!req.user) {
                } else {

            // Example authenticated endpoint
            app.get('/',(req, res) => {
                console.log(`User ${} has logged in.`);

            app.listen(config.port, () => console.log(`Example app listening on port ${config.port}!`))



  "name": "openidtest",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "",
  "main": "app.js",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
  "author": "",
  "license": "ISC",
  "dependencies": {
    "express": "^4.16.4",
    "express-session": "^1.15.6",
    "passport": "^0.4.0",
    "passport-openid-connect": "^0.1.0"