
Satellite data access from Amazon S3 via python

pip install satdata==0.2.4



Python application

Simplified access to GOES-16 data from python or the command line


You can install the most recent version of satdata from pypi using pip:

$> python -m pip install satdata

or clone the repository and use pip to install the local copy

$> git clone
$> python -m pip install .


You can use the command line interface to query and download files:

$> python -m satdata.cli --help
usage: [-h] [--dt_max DT_MAX] [--region {F,C,M1,M2}]
              [--channel {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16} | --product {CMIP,TPW,RSR}]
              [--fetch-files] [--debug]

positional arguments:
  time                  query for files around this time, an ISO8601 formatted
                        time,for example 2020-01-20T16:20Z

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dt_max DT_MAX       query-window around `time`, an ISO8601 formatted
                        duration for example P1D for one day or PT15M for 15
  --region {F,C,M1,M2}  F: full disk, C: continential US, M1: mesoscale region
                        1 (west), M2: mesoscale region 2 (east)
  --channel {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16}
                        Radiance channel, options: 1: Blue, 2: Red, 3: Veggie,
                        4: Cirrus, 5: Snow/Ice, 6: Cloud Particle Size, 7:
                        Shortwave Window, 8: Upper-Level tropispheric water
                        vapour, 9: Mid-level tropospheric water vapour, 10:
                        Lower-level water vapour, 11: Cloud-top phase, 12:
                        Ozone, 13: 'Clean' IR longwave window, 14: 'Dirty' IR
                        longwave window, 15: 'Dirty' longwave window, 16:
                        'CO2' longwave infrared
  --product {CMIP,TPW,RSR}
                        Derived products, options: CMIP: Cloud and Moisture
                        Imagery, TPW: Total Precipitable Water, RSR: Reflected
                        Shortwave Radiation Top-Of-Atmosphere
  --fetch-files         fetch all files that match query (default is just to
                        print files that match query
  --debug               show debug info

For example, to query for full-disc data of the Total Precipitable Water (TPW) product near 30th January 2020 at 14:00 UTC run:

$> python -m satdata.cli --region F --product ACHA 2020-01-30T14:00

Or use the module directly from python:

import datetime
import satdata

t = datetime.datetime(day=16, month=1, year=2020, hour=16, minute=0)
dt_max = datetime.timedelta(minutes=20)

cli = satdata.Goes16AWS()
keys = cli.query(time=t, region='F', debug=True, dt_max=dt_max)
fn =[0])[0]