Utilities for writing servers in Python

ha, high, availability, scalable, scalability, server, metrics, tracing, instrumentation
pip install satella==2.14.1



PyPI PyPI version PyPI Documentation Status License linting: pylint


Development has been moved to external PyPI. In order to install latest Satella just type:

pip install --extra-index-url https://git.dms-serwis.com.pl/api/v4/groups/330/-/packages/pypi/simple satella

If you want to put it in requirements.txt just type:

--extra-index-url https://git.dms-serwis.com.pl/api/v4/groups/330/-/packages/pypi/simple

It's still free, MIT-licensed and publicly available. No one's taking it from you :)

I'll try to submit the builds to regular PyPI as well!!

What is Satella?

Satella is an almost-zero-requirements Python 3.7+ library for writing server applications. It has arisen out of my requirements to have some classes or design patterns handy, and kinda wish-they-were-in-the-stdlib ones. especially those dealing with mundane but useful things. It also runs on PyPy, and most of it runs on Windows (the part not dealing with forking processes, you see).

Satella uses semantic versioning 2.0.

Satella contains, among other things:

Most Satella objects make heavy use of __slots__, so they are memory friendly and usable on embedded systems, where memory is at premium.

Change log is kept as part of old release notes, new CHANGELOG.md is to remain for all posteriority.

Full documentation is available for the brave souls that do decide to use this library.

See LICENSE for text of the license. This library may contain code taken from elsewhere on the internets, so this is copyright (c) respective authors.

If you want to install extra modules, just run


pip install --extra-index-url https://git.dms-serwis.com.pl/api/v4/groups/330/-/packages/pypi/simple satella

Running unit tests

Tests run by default on local CI/CD.

They should pass on Windows too, but some tests requiring POSIX-like functionality are skipped.

Automatic release system

Releases happen automatically. Just add a tag with the name of the version.

NOTE that changes from 2.25 will be numbered as tags without the prefix v!