
sb3 parses SB3

scratch, parser, sb3, parser-library
pip install sb3==0.1


sb3 - sb3 parses SB3

Hm, what on earth is sb3?

I should have said that people using the library should know what SB3 is... well, you guessed it. It's a file extension for Scratch 3.0 Projects. sb3 is a parser for SB3 files. (Also, we have SPRITE3 parser.)

How do I use it?

Import, open, and try. Example:

import sb3
project, assets = sb3.open_sb3("my_game.sb3") # project is a ProjectJSON object, assets is ZipFile.ZipExtFile
print(f"Hmm, I guessed you like the browser with UA {project.meta.user_agent}...")
print(f"What? You use {' extension, '.join(project.extensions)}!?")

There is no documentation as of now. But maybe you can check the testcase code and the source code!

Hmm, can I use it?

All people, cats and other cute animals with Python 3.6 or above can use this library. If you are not cute but want to use this, try sb3.cute().

Who made it?

A person named apple502j, with a secretary kenny2github (who invented GenericData class).

May I contribute?

Of course under GPL! Feel free to submit issues and PRs. If you have a bug, make sure to submit the SB3 file with the issue.