schulplots -- an educational tool to create plots of functions, styled as expected by undergraduate students in German schools.

education, plotting, teaching, publication
pip install schulplots==0.8.0


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schulplots - a tool for generating 2D plots in "German school style"

schulplots allows you to create 2D graphs of functions that look like what students are familiar with.

The figure is described using a description file that is converted into a visual representation by schulplots.


Sine Curve

This image is generated by the following description in YAML format:

  height: 8cm
  width: 10cm
- axes:
    height: 6cm
    width: 8cm
    x_min: -3
    y_min: -2
  bottom: 1cm
  left: 1cm
  - function: sin(x)
    label: $\sin(x)$
  - function:
    - sin(x)
    - 0*x
    label: $A = \int_0^\pi \sin(x)\,dx$
    condition: y1 >= y2
      alpha: 0.3
      color: red

The description file has main sections:

  1. figure: This section contains information about the entire figure. In the example, it specifies the height and width of the figure.
  2. axes_descriptors: This section contains a description of axis systems and graphs/areas to be plotted within these axis systems.

It is also possible to draw multiple axis systems with multiple graphs:

Sine Curve


schulplots requires a recent version of Python. If you have Python installed (including pip, the python package manager), you can install it from PyPi with pip install schulplots.

Run from Colab

You can use schulplots without installation directly in Google Colab. For an example, click here. Screenshot


You can find detailed documentation here (sorry, German only for now).


  • The tool is limited to plotting function graphs in "typical" value ranges. It is intentionally not a comprehensive plotting tool for scientific purposes.
  • The tool was specifically developed for the conventions commonly used in the German-speaking region for function graphs (axes at the zero line, arrows in the positive direction, squared paper with a 5mm grid, etc.).
  • It is not a tool for changing graph parameters through a graphical user interface (GUI).