
A maintained fork of scikit-learn that extends the tree submodule.

pip install scikit-learn-tree==1.2.3


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scikit-learn-tree is an alias of scikit-learn, released under the namespace sklearn_fork. It is a maintained fork of scikit-learn, which advances the tree submodule, while staying in-line with changes from upstream scikit-learn. It is an exact stand-in for sklearn_fork in package imports, but is released under the name scikit-learn-tree to avoid confusion.

It is currently maintained by a team of volunteers.

The upstream package scikit-learn is a Python module for machine learning built on top of SciPy and is distributed under the 3-Clause BSD license. Refer to their website for all documentation needs:

Why a fork?

Currently, the scikit-learn tree submodule is difficult to extend. Requests to modularize and improve the extensibility of the code is currently unsupported, or may take a long time. The desire for advanced tree models that also leverage the robustness of scikit-learn is desirable.

However, "hard-forking" via copy/pasting the explicit Python/Cython code into another tree package altogether is undesirable because it results in a tree codebase that is inherently different and not compatible with scikit-learn. For example, quantile-forests, and EconML do this, and their current tree submodules cannot take advantage of improvements made in upstream scikit-learn.

An example of seamless integration would be scikit-survival, which only needs to implement a subclass of the Cython Criterion oject in their code to enable survival trees.

Maintaining a "soft-fork" of scikit-learn in the form of a repository fork allows us to develop a separate package that serves as a stand-in for sklearn_fork in any package, extends the tree submodule and can also be synced with upstream changes in scikit-learn. This enables this fork to always take advantage of improvements made in scikit-learn main upstream, while providing a customizable tree API.



scikit-learn-tree requires:

  • Python (>= 3.8)
  • NumPy (>= 1.17.3)
  • SciPy (>= 1.5.0)
  • joblib (>= 1.1.1)
  • threadpoolctl (>= 2.0.0)

Installing scikit-learn-tree

Scikit-learn-tree is a maintained fork of scikit-learn, which extends the tree submodule in a few ways documented in fork_changelog.

We release versions of scikit-learn-tree in an analagous fashion to scikit-learn main. Due to maintenance resources, we only release on PyPi and recommend therefore installing with pip.

There are different ways to install scikit-learn-tree:

  • Install the latest official release install_fork_release. This is the best approach for most users. It will provide a stable version and pre-built packages are available for most platforms.
  • Building the package from source install_source. This is best for users who want the latest-and-greatest features and aren't afraid of running brand-new code. This is also needed for users who wish to contribute to the project.

Installing the latest release

We release wheels for common distributions and this is thus installable via pip.

pip install scikit-learn-tree

This will install scikit-learn-tree under the namespace of sklearn_fork, which then can be used as a stand-in for any package that relies on the public API of sklearn_fork.

For example, any usage of scikit-learn is preserved with scikit-learn-tree

>>> # the sklearn_fork installed is that of scikit-learn-tree and is equivalent to scikit-learn
>>> from sklearn_fork.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
>>> clf = RandomForestClassifier(random_state=0)
>>> X = [[ 1,  2,  3],  # 2 samples, 3 features
...      [11, 12, 13]]
>>> y = [0, 1]  # classes of each sample
>>>, y)

Building from source

If you are a developer and are interested in helping maintain, or add some new features to the fork, the building from source instructions are exactly the same as that of scikit-learn main, so please refer to scikit-learn documentation for instructions on building from source.


We welcome new contributors of all experience levels, specifically to maintain the fork. Any contributions that make sure our fork is "better in-line" with scikit-learn upstream, or improves the tree submodule in anyway will be appreciated.

The scikit-learn community goals are to be helpful, welcoming, and effective. The Development Guide has detailed information about contributing code, documentation, tests, and more. We've included some basic information in this README.

Major Changes of the Fork

The purpose of this page is to illustrate some of the main features that scikit-learn-tree provides compared to scikit-learn. It assumes a an understanding of core package scikit-learn and also decision trees models. Please refer to our installation instructions install_fork_release for installing scikit-learn-tree.

Scikit-learn-tree though operates as a stand-in for upstream scikit-learn. It is used in packages exactly the same way and will support all features in the corresponding version of scikit-learn. For example, if you are interested in features of scikit-learn in v1.2.2 for NearestNeighbors algorithm, then if scikit-learn-tree has a version release of v1.2.2, then it will have all those features.

The breaking API changes will be with respect to anything in the tree submodule, and related Forest ensemble models. See below for a detailed list of breaking changes.

See: for documentation on scikit-learn main.

Our Philosophy

Our design philosophy with this fork of scikit-learn is to maintain as few changes as possible, such that incorporating upstream changes into the fork requires minimal effort.

Candidate changes and PRs accepted into the fork are those that:

  • improve compatability with upstream scikit-learn main
  • enable improved extensibility of tree models

Decision tree generalizations

Scikit-learn provides an axis-aligned sklearn_fork.tree.DecisionTreeClassifier decision tree model (classifier and regressor), which has a few fundamental limitations that prevent 3rd parties from utilizing the existing class, without forking a large amount of copy/pasted Python and Cython code. We highlight those limitations here and then describe how we generalize that limitation.

Cython Internal Private API:

Note, the Cython API for scikit-learn is still not a publicly supported API, so it may change without warning.

  • leaf and split nodes: These nodes are treated the same way and there is no internal API for setting them differently. Quantile trees and causal trees inherently generalize how leaf nodes are set.
  • Criterion class: The criterion class currently assumes a supervised learning interface. - Our fix: We implement a BaseCriterion object that provides an abstract API for unsupervised criterion.
  • Splitter class: The splitter clas currently assumes a supervised learning interface and does not provide a way of generalizing the way split candidates are proposed. - Our fix: We implement a BaseSplitter object that provides an abstract API for unsupervised splitters and also implement an API to allow generalizations of the SplitRecord struct and Splitter.node_split function. For example, this enables oblique splits to be considered.
  • Tree class: The tree class currently assumes a supervised learning interface and does not provide a way of generalizing the type of tree. - Our fix: We implementa BaseTree object that provides an abstract API for general tree models and also implement an API that allows generalization of the type of tree. For example, oblique trees are trivially implementable as an extension now.
  • stopping conditions for splitter: Currently, the Splitter.node_split function has various stopping conditions for the splitter based on hyperparameters. It is plausible that these conditions may be extended. For example, in causal trees, one may want the splitter to also account for a minimal degree of heterogeneity (i.e. variance) in its children nodes.

Python API:

  • sklearn_fork.tree.BaseDecisionTree assumes the underlying tree model is supervised: The y parameter is required to be passed in, which is not necessary for general tree-based models. For example, an unsupervised tree may pass in y=None. - Our fix: We fix this API, so the BaseDecisionTree is subclassable by unsupervised tree models that do not require y to be defined.
  • sklearn_fork.tree.BaseDecisionTree does not provide a way to generalize the Criterion, Splitter and Tree Cython classes used: The current codebase requires users to define custom criterion and/or splitters outside the instantiation of the BaseDecisionTree. This prevents users from generalizing the Criterion and Splitter and creating a neat Python API wrapper. Moreover, the Tree class is not customizable. - Our fix: We internally implement a private function to actually build the entire tree, BaseDecisionTree._build_tree, which can be overridden in subclasses that customize the criterion, splitter, or tree, or any combination of them.
  • sklearn_fork.ensemble.BaseForest and its subclass algorithms are slow when n_samples is very high. Binning features into a histogram, which is the basis of "LightGBM" and "HistGradientBoostingClassifier" is a computational trick that can both significantly increase runtime efficiency, but also help prevent overfitting in trees, since the sorting in "BestSplitter" is done on bins rather than the continuous feature values. This would enable random forests and their variants to scale to millions of samples. - Our fix: We added a max_bins=None keyword argument to the BaseForest class, and all its subclasses. The default behavior is no binning. The current implementation is not necessarily efficient. There are several improvements to be made. See below.

Overall, the existing tree models, such as sklearn_fork.tree.DecisionTreeClassifier and sklearn_fork.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier all work exactly the same as they would in scikit-learn main, but these extensions enable 3rd-party packages to extend the Cython/Python API easily.


There are several improvements that can be made in this fork. Primarily, the binning feature promises to make Random Forests and their variants ultra-fast. However, the binning needs to be implemented in a similar fashion to HistGradientBoostingClassifier, which passes in the binning thresholds throughout the tree construction step, such that the split nodes store the actual numerical value of the bin rather than the "bin index". This requires modifying the tree Cython code to take in a binning_thresholds parameter that is part of the _BinMapper fitted class. This also allows us not to do any binning during prediction/apply time because the tree already stores the "numerical" threshold value we would want to apply to any incoming X that is not binned.

Besides that modification, the tree and splitter need to be able to handle not just np.float32 data (the type for X normally in Random Forests), but also uint8 data (the type for X when it is binned in to e.g. 255 bins). This would not only save RAM since uint8 storage of millions of samples would result in many GB saved, but also improved runtime.

So in summary, the Cython code of the tree submodule needs to take in an extra parameter for the binning thresholds if binning occurs and also be able to handle X being of dtype uint8. Afterwards, Random Forests will have fully leveraged the binning feature.

Something to keep in mind is that upstream scikit-learn is actively working on incorporating missing-value handling and categorical handling into Random Forests.

Next steps

We have briefly covered how the tree submodule has changed with respect to scikit-learn. This enables packages to leverage these changes in developing more complex tree models that may, or may not eventually be PRed into scikit-learn. For example,

  • scikit-tree is a scikit-learn compatible package for more complex and advanced tree models.

If you are developing tree models, we encourage you to take a look at that package, or if you have suggestions to make the tree submodule of our fork, scikit-learn-tree more