
Provides an API server + celery worker module for running arbitrary scripts.

script, api, labflow, labgrid, lab-grid
pip install script-runner-api==v0.18



Enables the deployment of a script as an API protected by pluggable authentication (only auth0 or none currently supported). Script runner relies on a configuration file (config.json) to specify the command that should be executed when a task is started. Script runner exposes an API with two main endpoints:

  • POST /task - Start new task
  • GET /task/{id} - Check task status/get results

Arguments to the script command can be passed via the request path, query, or JSON body.

Script runner relies on two running containers:

  • Server - Responsible for responding to API requests and validating auth headers.
  • Worker - Responsible for running the script whenever a new task is started.

Script runner is built for running scripts that take a long period of time and uses worker nodes from above to launch jobs. Communication between the server and worker nodes happens through a Redis instance allowing multiple script invocations to be running simultaneously


Script runner can be configured through a special file called config.json:

    "command": [ ... ],
    "inputs": {
        "path_args": [ ... ],
        "query_args": [ ... ],
        "body_args": [ ... ]
    "outputs": {
        "results": {
            "kind": "file",
            "format": "csv",
            "input_path": ...,
            "remapped_columns": [ ... ]
        "attachments": [ ... ]


The command used to launch run the desired script is specified through the "command": [ ... ] field. Specify each argument as a separate string. Parameters from the request path, query, or body can be used in the command by prefixing the parameter name with a $ sign:

    "command": [ "/scripts/", "regular-arg-1", "$THIS_ARGUMENT_COMES_FROM_REQUEST" ]


Parameters used in the script command are specified in the "inputs": { ... } field. The name of the variable for use in the command definition above is set by the "env_var_name": "..." field. First, select whether or not you would like to have the parameter specified in the request path, query, or body.


Path parameters are defined using regular expressions (


"path_args": [
        "env_var_name": "BASESPACE_ID",
        "path_regex": "([^/]+)",
        "path_regex_match_group": 1


Query parameters are defined by specifying the query parameter name:


"query_args": [
        "env_var_name": "SEASON",
        "query_var_name": "season"


Body parameters are defined by specifying a JSONPath query (


"body_args": [
        "env_var_name": "CITY",
        "body_jsonpath": "$"



The JSON data returned by the script-runner API can be configured in the "outputs" section.

Script-runner reads a main file that can be either in a JSON or CSV file format to parse and send back as JSON under the "results" field. Script-runner also supports an "attachments" field that base64-encodes requested files into the JSON object response.

For example, the following config:

"outputs": {
    "results": {
        "kind": "file",
        "format": "csv",
        "input_path": "LIMS_results.csv",
        "remapped_columns": [
                "output_name": "plateIndex",
                "input_name": "Plate_384_Number",
                "skip_list": ["NA"]
    "attachments": [

Could produce the following output:

    "id": "168af779-a72e-4dec-a2e3-36240cad5973",
    "status": "ready",
    "attachments": {
        "results-n1a54tmd.pdf": "JVBERi0xLjUKJdDUxdgKNiAwI...",
    "results": [
            "plateIndex": "1",
            "plateCell": "A01",
            "marker1": "CATCTGTATC",
            "marker2": "ATGAGACTTG",
            "classification": "failed: low S2 & RPP30"


To get a script-runner API setup and running:

  1. Build a docker container with your script and script-runner installed.

    FROM python
    pip install script-runner-api
    # Install your script here
    COPY ./ /app/
    # ...
  2. Setup your config.json file. See Configuration section for more information.

  3. Deploy a worker and a server to your desired environment. We have provided some started terraform modules (AWS, Azure)