
Stable Diffusion server built with FastAPI

fastapi, stable-diffusion
pip install sd-server==0.1.0


Stable Diffusion Google Colab FastAPI Server

PyPI version

Note: This is a pretty hacky server / client interface for generic Stable Diffusion pipelines using diffusers. It's not made for production use and hasn't really been optimized completely.


From pip:

pip install sd-server

From source:

git clone
cd stable-diffusion-server/
python install

Stable Diffusion Server + Client Interface -- Simple Usage

Here we create a simple server hosting the standard StableDiffusionPipeline from the amazing package diffusers. The client takes in **kwargs that should be the arguments passed into the __call__ function from the pipeline. For instance, the StableDiffusionPipeline __call__ method can be found: host and port can be specified in the start method for generic hosting.

from sd_server import DiffusersServer, DiffusersClient
from diffusers import StableDiffusionPipeline

STABLE_DIFFUSION_PATH = "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5" # this can be a local path
pipeline_kwargs = {
device = torch.device('cuda')

server = DiffusersServer.create(
    pretrained_path = STABLE_DIFFUSION_PATH,
    pipeline_cls = StableDiffusionPipeline,
    pipeline_kwargs = pipeline_kwargs,
    enable_attention_slicing = True,
    device = device
url = server.start(host="", port=8000) # url -- either remote or local

# on another host / terminal
client = DiffusersClient(url)

responses = client(prompt='a photo of an astronaut riding a horse on mars', num_images_per_prompt=4) # this should return a list of images

Serving from Google Colab

Full google colab example: Open In Colab

Using the server in Google Colab requires an ngrok account, and needs your ngrok auth token to be passed to the server. Note: Ngrok basically opens a tunnel from a dev machine to the cloud, which means its not really that secure, and should be used at your own risk. Read more here:

NGROK_AUTH_KEY = "your auth key from"

... # imports from above

server = DiffusersServer.create(
    pretrained_path = STABLE_DIFFUSION_PATH,
    pipeline_cls = StableDiffusionPipeline,
    pipeline_kwargs = pipeline_kwargs,
    enable_attention_slicing = True,
    device = device

url = server.start(ngrok_auth_token=NGROK_AUTH_KEY)

# on another host
client = DiffusersClient(url)

responses = client(prompt='a photo of an astronaut riding a horse on mars', num_images_per_prompt=4) # this should return a list of images