
A simple tool for tracking the semantic version of projects

pip install sempylver==1.4.5



Simple semantic versioning in Python. A CLI tool for tracking semantic versions automatically during the git commit process.

How to use this package:

  1. [If using Windows] Install Cygwin and make sure to include the git package when installing
  2. [If using Windows] Add Cygwin's bin directory to your path
  3. [If using Windows] Copy your .ssh folder to cygwin/home/USERNAME/.ssh
  4. pip install sempylver
  5. sempylver config --author YOURNAME
  6. sempylver config --email YOUREMAIL
  7. sempylver config --working-directory DIR-CONTAINING-GIT-REPOS
  8. sempylver track NAME-OF-GIT-REPO -s
    This creates a version file named version with format X.X.X
    If you do not want to modify your setup file to retrieve the version number from the version file, omit -s from the above command
  9. Whenever committing a tracked repo... Sempylver will automatically increment (+=1) the Y in the version number X.X.Y
    Including '-m' in the commit message will increment (+=) the Y in the version number X.Y.Z and set Z==0
    Including '-M' in the commit message will increment (+=) the Y in the version number Y.Z.Z and set Z==0
    Including '-s' in the commit message will skip version incrementation, and keep the current version
    Including '-t' in the commit message will tag the commit with the version number