
Corrects GPS transect coordinates to account for on-the-go sensor offsets

pip install sensoff==1.2



Corrects field transect coordinates when an on-the-go sensor is offset from the GPS on a mobile survey platform.

$ python -m sensoff --ioff -0.5 --loff -1.5 --skiprows 1 sensor_survey_GAMMA.csv

transect plot

Determining the position of an offset on-the-go sensor is relatively straightforward if the heading of the mobile platform at each GPS reading is known. The problem is that the heading is not known: the platform's position is recorded by the GPS, but not its direction. To calculate the sensor location, the unknown heading at each point is estimated to be a weighted average of the bearings of the prior and subsequent legs of the traverse.


Scudiero, E., D. L. Corwin, P. T. Markley, A. Pourreza, T. Rounsaville, and T. H. Skaggs. 2020. A novel platform for on-the-go sensing in micro-irrigated orchards. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. In Preparation.


$ pip install sensoff


From the command line:

$ python -m sensoff --help

usage: sensoff [-h] [--ioff IOFF] [--loff LOFF] [--xcol XCOL] [--ycol YCOL] [--skiprows SKIPROWS] [--sep SEP] [--outfile OUTFILE] FILE

Correct transect coordinates when sensor is offset from GPS

positional arguments:
  FILE                 Delimited text file with GPS x,y coordinates

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --ioff IOFF          inline sensor offset, positive in direction of travel
                       (default: 0)
  --loff LOFF          lateral sensor offset, positive to left (facing
                       forward) (default: 0)
  --xcol XCOL          x-coordinate column (1-based) (default: 1)
  --ycol YCOL          y-coordinate column (1-based) (default: 2)
  --skiprows SKIPROWS  number of datafile header rows to skip (default: 0)
  --sep SEP            datafile delimiter (default: ",")
  --outfile OUTFILE    write output to file



                   |            Direction of travel -->
             >     |     >
     (-)  --->--- GPS --->---  (+) inline_offset
             >     |     >
                         (mobile platform) 

On the platform, sensor is 1.1 m behind and 0.5 m to the left of the GPS

$ python -m sensoff --ioff -1.1 --loff 0.5 datafile1.csv

The first row of datafile2 is a header row that should be ignored

$ python -m sensoff --ioff -1.1 --loff 0.5 --skiprows 1 datafile2.csv

Write output to a file instead of stdout

$ python -m sensoff --ioff -1.1 --loff 0.5 --outfile out.csv datafile1.csv

Use a delimiter other than "," and non-default data columns

$ python -m sensoff --ioff -1.1 --loff 0.5 --xcol 2 --ycol 3 --sep " " datafile3.txt

From python:

In [1]: from sensoff import Survey

In [2]: survey = Survey.read_xy("dummy0.csv", skiprows=1)

In [3]: sensor_coords = survey.to_sens_coords(inline_offset=1, lateral_offset=1)

In [4]: print(sensor_coords)

[(470534.417169402, 3759299.464556901), (470534.0298120643, 3759299.8127804487), (470534.3431564087, 3759299.670017598), (470534.9321063309, 3759298.5976250498), (470535.09349569224, 3759298.1006433647), (470534.72614854627, 3759298.08100075), (470534.3293269551, 3759297.1871465445), (470533.71902153065, 3759296.9455717937), (470532.8883022137, 3759296.816779944)]

In [5]: help(Sensor.read_xy)

    csvfile, sep: 'str' = ',', xcol: 'int' = 1, ycol: 'int' = 2, skiprows: 'int' = 0
) -> 'Survey'
    csvfile : csv filename or object
        Delimited file containing GPS coordinates for OTG survey.
    xcol : int, optional
        Column in datafile with x-coordinates. Default is 1.
    ycol : int, optional
        Column in datafile with y-coordinates. Default is 2.
    sep : str, optional
        Delimiter used in coordinate datafile. Default is ",".
    skiprows : int, optional
        Number of header rows in datafile. Default is 0.

In [6]: help(Sensor.to_sensor_coords)

def to_sensor_coords(
    self, inline_offset: int = 0, lateral_offset: int = 0
) -> List[Point]:
    inline_offset : float, optional
        Sensor offset distance inline with the direction of travel.
        Positive in the direction of travel. Default is 0.
    lateral_offset : float, optional
        Sensor offset distance lateral to the direction of travel.
        Positive to the left (facing forward). Default is 0.

Offsets demo:

transect plot