
Various sentinel tools

sentinel, satellite, sentinel-2, sentinel-toolkit
pip install sentinel-toolkit==7.0.6




This repository provides various utility tools for working with Sentinel data like:

  1. Converting raw band dn values to sentinel responses.
  2. Wrapper classes around a Sentinel-2 Product and Metadata.
  3. Generating SQLite database for a given Ecostress Spectral Library.
  4. Wrapper class around spectral.EcostressDatabase for querying with specific filters.
  5. Wrapper class around Sentinel-2 Spectral Response Functions Excel file.
  6. Converting a spectral distribution to Sentinel Responses.
  7. Converting Ecostress Spectral Library to Sentinel Responses CSV file.


Sentinel-Toolkit and its primary dependencies can be easily installed from the Python Package Index by issuing this command in a shell:

$ pip install --user sentinel-toolkit


Converting Sentinel-2 DN values to Sentinel Responses

The new conversion formula for products after 25 January 2022 is integrated.

For more info check

from sentinel_toolkit.colorimetry import dn_to_sentinel

# The raw band(s) data
# For example: with 3 bands, 10980 x 10980 x 3 ndarray can be passed
bands_dn = None

# These values can be retrieved from product.S2ProductMetadata
# and this algorithm can be run easier from an S2Product object.
# See section "Working with Sentinel-2 Product".
nodata_value = 0
bands_offsets = [-1000, -1000, -1000]
quantification_value = 10000
normalized_solar_irradiances = [1, 0.9312, 0.7719]

sentinel_responses = dn_to_sentinel(bands_dn,

Working with Sentinel-2 Product and Metadata

Working with Sentinel-2 Product Metadata

from sentinel_toolkit.product import S2ProductMetadata

product_metadata = S2ProductMetadata("<path-to-metadata-filename>")

# With S2ProductMetadata you can retrieve:
# sensing data, nodata value, quantification value, band offsets
# and solar irradiances. Currently, these methods read directly
# from the xml and there is no caching.

band_ids = [1, 2, 3]

Working with Sentinel-2 Product

from sentinel_toolkit.product import S2Product

product = S2Product("<path-to-product-directory>")


# If multiple sources are available for a given band
# for example B02_10m.jp2, B02_20m.jp2, B02_60m.jp2,
# the file with the best resolution will be selected.
# In the example case, this is B02_10m.jp2.
# (Currently this is implemented based on the band suffix).

band_ids = [1, 2, 3]

# Converts the given bands to sentinel responses by
# using colorimetry.dn_to_sentinel() passing the required
# metadata arguments, so you don't have to do it yourself.
out_shape = (10980, 10980)
profile, sentinel_responses = product.dn_to_sentinel(band_ids, out_shape)

Loading and working with Ecostress Spectral Library

Generating SQLite database

Generate the SQLite database given the Ecostress spectral library directory:

from sentinel_toolkit.ecostress import generate_ecostress_db

generate_ecostress_db("ecospeclib-all", "ecostress.db")

For convenience, there is a main method in that can be called from shell like so:

$ python -d /ecospeclib-all -o ecostress.db

Working with the generated SQLite database

from spectral import EcostressDatabase
from sentinel_toolkit.ecostress import Ecostress

ecostress_db = EcostressDatabase("ecostress.db")
ecostress = Ecostress(ecostress_db)

# Get all the spectrum ids that contain some values in the given range (420, 830).
wavelength_range = (420, 830)
spectrum_ids = ecostress.get_spectrum_ids(wavelength_range)

# Iterate over the found spectrum_ids and get colour.SpectralDistribution objects.
spectral_distributions_colour = []
for spectrum_id in spectrum_ids:
    spectral_distribution = ecostress.get_spectral_distribution_colour(spectrum_id)

# Iterate over the found spectrum_ids and get numpy arrays.
# This can be used for gaining better performance
spectral_distributions_numpy = []
for spectrum_id in spectrum_ids:
    spectral_distribution = ecostress.get_spectral_distribution_numpy(spectrum_id)

Reading Sentinel-2 Spectral Response Functions

Given an Excel file containing the Sentinel-2 Spectral Response Functions, retrieve the wavelengths, band names and bands_responses as colour.MultiSpectralDistributions and 2D ndarray:

from sentinel_toolkit.srf import S2Srf, S2SrfOptions

s2a_srf = S2Srf("srf.xlsx")

# Retrieve the wavelengths of Sentinel-2A as ndarray.
wavelengths = s2a_srf.get_wavelengths()

# Retrieve all the band names of Sentinel-2A bands 1, 2 and 3 as ndarray.
band_names = s2a_srf.get_band_names(band_ids=[1, 2, 3])

# Retrieve B2, B3, B4 of Sentinel-2A satellite in wavelength range (360, 830)
# as colour.MultiSpectralDistributions.
satellite = 'A'
band_ids_option = [1, 2, 3]
wavelength_range = (360, 830)
s2_srf_options = S2SrfOptions(satellite, band_ids_option, wavelength_range)
bands_responses_distribution = s2a_srf.get_bands_responses_distribution(s2_srf_options)

# Retrieve all bands responses of Sentinel-2B in wavelength range (360, 830) as 2D ndarray.
satellite = 'B'
wavelength_range = (360, 830)
s2_srf_options = S2SrfOptions(satellite=satellite, wavelength_range=wavelength_range)
bands_responses = s2a_srf.get_bands_responses(s2_srf_options)

Converting SpectralDistribution to Sentinel-2 Responses

Convert a spectral distribution to Sentinel-2 Responses:

from spectral import EcostressDatabase
from sentinel_toolkit.ecostress import Ecostress
from sentinel_toolkit.srf import S2Srf, S2SrfOptions
from sentinel_toolkit.colorimetry import sd_to_sentinel_numpy, sd_to_sentinel_direct_numpy
from sentinel_toolkit.colorimetry.illuminants import D65_360_830_1NM

ecostress_db = EcostressDatabase("ecostress.db")
ecostress = Ecostress(ecostress_db)
s2a_srf = S2Srf("srf.xlsx")

wavelength_range = (360, 830)

spectrum_id = 1
# Use the numpy version for better performance
spectral_data = ecostress.get_spectral_distribution_numpy(spectrum_id, wavelength_range)

spectral_data_min_wavelength = spectral_data.wavelengths[0]
spectral_data_max_wavelength = spectral_data.wavelengths[-1]

wr_start = max(wavelength_range[0], spectral_data_min_wavelength)
wr_end = min(wavelength_range[1], spectral_data_max_wavelength)

# You need to provide an illuminant, that at least covers the range of all the spectral distributions
# i.e. if your data contains values in (360, 830), then the illuminant should be in range (<= 360, >= 830)
# Otherwise, exception will be raised (currently no interpolation is performed on the illuminant)
illuminant = D65_360_830_1NM

# Get the sentinel responses for spectrum with id 1 for all bands
# from satellite 'A' in wavelength_range (360, 830)
s2_srf_options = S2SrfOptions(satellite='A', wavelength_range=(wr_start, wr_end))
sentinel_responses = sd_to_sentinel_numpy(spectral_data,

# Another way of doing this would be:
s2_srf_options = S2SrfOptions(satellite='A', wavelength_range=(wr_start, wr_end))
bands_responses = s2a_srf.get_bands_responses(s2_srf_options)
sentinel_responses = sd_to_sentinel_direct_numpy(spectral_data, bands_responses, illuminant)

Converting full Ecostress Spectral Library to Sentinel-2 Responses CSV file

Generate a CSV file containing the Sentinel-2 responses for all materials from the Ecostress library:

from spectral import EcostressDatabase
from sentinel_toolkit.ecostress import Ecostress
from sentinel_toolkit.srf import S2Srf
from sentinel_toolkit.converter import EcostressToSentinelConverter

ecostress_db = EcostressDatabase("ecostress.db")
ecostress = Ecostress(ecostress_db)

s2a_srf = S2Srf("srf.xlsx")

converter = EcostressToSentinelConverter(ecostress, s2a_srf)

For convenience, there is a main method in that can be called from shell like so:

$ python -e ecostress.db -s2 S2-SRF_COPE-GSEG-EOPG-TN-15-0007_3.0.xlsx -s A -b 1 2 3 -ws 360 -we 830 -i d65