
A Python impelementation of the Serial Packets protocol

pip install serial-packets==0.0.1


Python Serial Packets

NOTE: As of June 21 2023, the wire format changed to have distinct packet start and stop flag bytes.

Python implementations of the Serial Packets protocol.

Related works:

Protocol Description

The Serial Packets protocol provides packet based point-to-point serial transport for communication between devices. For example, it can be used to connect an Arduino device to a PC, where the PC controls the device, and the device sends data in real time back to the PC. The protocol is fully symmetrical such that both sides to the communication have the same capabilities, with no designation of master/slave at the transport level.


  • Protocol is packet oriented, saving the need to implement framing by the application.
  • The protocol is efficient with low per-packet overhead, and minimal memory and computation requirements.
  • The protocol is symmetrical, and both sides can initiate or response to interactions.
  • The protocol is full duplex, and works independently on each direction.
  • The protocol support endpoint addressing to simplify routing of messages within the application.
  • The protocol supports both one way and two way request/response interactions.
  • Each packet is verified with a 16 bits CRC.
  • The protocol uses the HDLC byte stuffing algorithm which allow to resync on next frame despite line errors.
  • The wire representation is intuitive which simplifies debugging.
  • The protocol is connectionless and stateless, though application can implement the notion of connection and state at their layer.


Commands are round-trip interactions where one node send a 'command' packet receives as 'response' packet from the other node. Commands can be used for example the device and to retrieve information selected information.

The following tables lists the fields of command request and response packets respectively. Note that this is not the exact wire representation since the packets are subject to flagging and byte stuffing as explained later.

Command packet

Field Size [bytes] Source Description
PACKET_TYPE 1 Auto The value 0x01
CMD_ID 4 Auto A unique command id for response matching. Big Endian.
END_POINT 1 User The target endpoint of this command.
DATA 0 to 1024 User Command data.
CRC 2 Auto Packet CRC. Big endian.

Response packet

Field Size [bytes] Source Description
PACKET_TYPE 1 Auto The value 0x02
CMD_ID 4 Auto The ID of the original command. Big Endian.
STATUS 1 User Response status.
DATA 0 to 1024 User Response data.
CRC 2 Auto Packet CRC. Big endian.

Sending a command

The SerialPacketsClient class provides two methods for sending commands. send_command_future(...) for sending using a future that provides the response and send_command_blocking(...) which is a convenience method that blocks internally on the future.

Future base command sending:

client = SerialPacketsClient("COM1", my_command_async_callback, my_message_async_callback,  my_event_async_callback)
is_connected = await client.connect()

endpoint = 20
cmd_data = PacketData()
future =  client.send_command_future(endpoint, cmd_data, timeout=0.2)

# Sometime later
status, rsp_data = await future

Blocking style command sending:

client = SerialPacketsClient("COM1", my_command_async_callback, my_message_async_callback, my_event_async_callback)
is_connected = await client.connect()

endpoint = 20
cmd_data = PacketData()
rx_status, rx_data = await client.send_command_blocking(endpoint, cmd_data, timeout=0.2)

Receiving a command

Incoming commands are received via an optional callback function that is passed to the SerialPacketsClient when it's created. The callback is an async function that receives the command's endpoint and data, and returns the response's status and data. The client uses a pool of asyncio worker tasks that serves incoming packets, and therefore it's ok for the command handler to perform asyncio await operations as part of serving the command. If the command is not handled, the callback function should return the status UNHANDLED.value and empty data.

async def command_async_callback(endpoint: int, data: PacketData) -> Tuple[int, PacketData]:"Received command: [%d] %s", endpoint, data.hex_bytes())
    if (endpoint == 20):
        v1 = data.read_uint8()
        v2 = data.read_uint16()
        if not data.all_read_ok():
"Errors parsing command", status, response_data.hex(sep=' '))
          return (PacketStatus.INVALID_ARGUMENT.value, PacketData())
        response_data = PacketData()
        response_dat.add_uint32(0x12345678)"Command response: [%d] %s", PacketStatus.OK.value, response_data.hex(sep=' '))
    # Add here handling of additional command end points.
    return (PacketStatus.UNHANDLED.value, bytearray())

client = SerialPacketsClient(args.port, command_async_callback, message_async_callback, event_async_callback)
is_connected = await client.connect()


Messages are a simpler case of a commands with no response. They are useful for periodic notifications, for example for data reporting, and have lower overhead than commands.

Message packet

Field Size [bytes] Source Description
PACKET_TYPE 1 Auto The value 0x03
END_POINT 1 User The target endpoint of this command.
DATA 0 to 1024 User Command data.
CRC 2 Auto Packet CRC. Big endian.

Sending a message

The SerialPacketsClient class provides a method for sending a command. The method is non blocking and merely queues the message for sending. two methods for sending commands.

client = SerialPacketsClient("COM1", command_async_callback, message_async_callback, event_async_callback)
is_connected = await client.connect()
endpoint = 20
data = PacketData()
client.send_message(endpoint, data)

Receiving a message

Incoming messages are received via a callback function that is passed to the SerialPacketsClient when it's created. The callback is an async function that receives the target endpoint and the data of the message and returns no value.

async def message_async_callback(endpoint: int, data: bytearray) -> Tuple[int, PacketData]:"Received message: [%d] %s", endpoint, data.hex(sep=' '))
    if endpoint == 20:
        v1 = data.read_uint16()
        v2 = data.read_uint16()
        if v1.read_all_ok():
"Message data: {v1} {v2}")
      logger.error(f"Unhandled message at endpoint {endpoint}")

client = SerialPacketsClient(args.port, my_command_async_callback, my_message_async_callback, my_event_async_callback)
is_connected = await client.connect()


The SerialPacketsClient signals the application about certain events via an events callback that the use pass to it upon initialization.

async def event_async_callback(event: PacketsEvent) -> None:"Event %s: %s", event.event_type(), event.description())"%s event", event)

client = SerialPacketsClient(args.port, command_async_callback, message_async_callback, event_async_callback)
is_connected = await client.connect()

As of May 2023 only a couple of events are supported.

class PacketsEventType(Enum):

PacketData class

Packet data is represented by instances of the class PacketData which also provides a simple serialization/deserialization API.

Serialization methods:

add_uint8(v)   # Adds a single byte unsigned integer value
add_uint16(v)  # Adds a two byte unsigned integer value
add_uint32(v)  # Adds a four byte unsigned integer value
add_bytes(v)   # Adds an arbitrary number of bytes

NOTE: Variable length string and data can be encoded as a byte count followed by the byte themselves. .

Deserialization methods:

v = read_uint8()    # Read a single byte unsigned integer value
v = read_uint16(v)  # Read a two byte unsigned integer value
v = read_uint32(v)  # Read a four byte unsigned integer value
v = read_bytes(v)   # Read an arbitrary number of bytes

NOTE: If any of the read methods encounter an error, it returns None and sets the internal read error flag of the PacketData, which will force all future read methods to fail as well..

Deserialization control methods:

bytes_read() -> int            # Returns number of bytes returned so far.
bytes_left_to_read() -> int    # Returns the count of data bytes that have not been read yet.
read_error() -> int            # Tests if read errors where encountered so far.
all_read() -> bool             # Tests if all data were read.     
all_read_ok() -> bool          # Tests if all data read with no errors.
reset_read_location() -> None  # Resets read pointer and error flag.

Utility methods:

hex_str() -> str    # Returns an hex representation fo the data, for debugging.
data_bytes() -> bytearray  # Returns a copy of the data bytes.
size() -> int  # Returns the number of data bytes.
clear() -> None # Clear the data and reset the read location and error flag..

Wire representation

Packet start/stop flags

The Serial Packets protocol uses packet flags inspired from the HDLC protocol, with the special flag bytes 0X7C, 0x7E indicating the beginning and end of a packet, respectively.

Byte stuffing

To make the flag bytes 0X7C, 0x7E unique in the serial stream, the Serial Packet uses 'byte stuffing' borrowed from the HDLC protocol. This allows the protocol to resync on next packet boundary, in case of line errors. This byte stuffing is done using the escape byte 0X7D

Packet byte Wire bytes Comments
0x7C 0x7D, 0x5C Escaped start flag
0x7D 0x7D, 0x5D Escaped escape byte
0x7E 0x7D, 0x5E Escaped end flag
Other bytes No change The common case

Example of a command packet:

Stuffed command packet:
 0x7c, 0x01, 0xff, 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x20, 0xff, 
 0x00, 0x7d, 0x5c, 0x11, 0x7d, 0x5e, 0x22, 0x7d, 
 0x5d, 0x99, 0x7a, 0xa7, 0x7e

Breakdown into parts:
start flag:   0x7c
packet_type:  0x01
cmd_id:       0xff, 0x12, 0x34, 0x56
endpoint:     0x20
data:         0xff, 0x00, 0x7d, 0x5c, 0x11, 0x7d, 0x5e, 0x22, 0x7d, 0x5d, 0x99
crc:          0x7a, 0xa7
flag:         0x7e

# In this examples, only the data part contains escaped bytes and its
# unescaped version is:
data:  0xff, 0x00, 0x7c, 0x11, 0x7e, 0x22, 0x7d, 0x99

Status codes

The Serial Packets protocol uses 1 byte status codes where 0x00 indicates success and all other values indicate errors. These status codes are used in the command responses, and optionally also by the implementation API for other reasons.

As of May 2023, these are the predefined status codes. For the updated list, look at the serial_packets.packets.PacketStatus enum.

Status Value Status name Comments
0 OK The only non error status.
1 GENERAL_ERROR Unspecified error.
2 TIMEOUT A request timed out.
3 UNHANDLED No handler for this command.
4 INVALID_ARGUMENT Invalid argument value in a request.
5 LENGTH_ERROR Data has invalid length.
6 OUT_OF_RANGE A more specific invalid argument.
7 - 99 Reserved For future protocol definitions.
100-255 Custom For user's application specific use.


Endpoints represent the destinations of commands and messages on the receiving node and allows the application to distinguish between command and message types. End points are identified by a single byte, where the values 0-199 are available for the application, and the values 200-255 are reserved for future expansions of the protocol.

Application Example

The repository contains and example with two main programs that communicate between them via serial port. One program called 'master' periodically sends a command and waits for a response and the other one called 'slave' sends a message periodically. To run the example, use two USB/Serial adapters and connect the TX of the first to the RX of the second and vice versa. Also, make sure to connect the gwo grounds. Then run each of the two program, providing the respective port in the command line. Make sure to replace the serial port ids in the example below with the actual port id of your system.

Running the master:

python -u --port="COM21" 

Running the slave (in another shell, or another computer):

python -u --port="COM22" 


Q: What other Serial Packets implementations are available?

A: This Python implementation is the first. As of May 2023, we are actively developing an Arduino implementation.

Q: What platforms are supported by this Python implementation?

A: The package is implemented using the pyserial-asyncio package which as of May 2023 supports Max OSX, Windows, and Linux.

Q: Can I contribute new implementations?

A: Of course. We would love to list your implementation here.

Q: Can I contribute fixes and protocol extensions?

A: Of course. Please feel free to contact us on github.

Q: Why asyncio based implementation, doesn't it complicate things?

A: Asyncio may make simple programs more complicated but it allows for more responsive programs with efficient parallel I/O.

Q: Is there a serial sniffer for the Serial Packets protocol?

A: Note at the moment, but if you will implement one, we would love to a reference it here. It can be implemented for example with a Python program or with an Arduino sketch.