.. disableimage:: https://pypip.in/v/serialkiller/badge.png :target: https://crate.io/packages/serialkiller/
.. disableimage:: https://pypip.in/d/serialkiller/badge.png :target: https://crate.io/packages/serialkiller/
time series database with reduce system, it kill the same time series ! :)
can be used in three different ways:
- In command line
- In http API REST mode
- From library
In future, serialkiller
will be run in centralized or decentralized mode
Sample architecture
To install the latest release from PyPI
$ pip install serialkiller
To install the latest development version from GitHub
$ pip install git+git://github.com/badele/serialkiller.git
Configuration & Examples
Copy sk_config.cfg from serialkiller package to /etc/sk_config.cfg and edit your .bashrc
, add this line
The default sk_config.cfg
STORAGE = "/tmp/sensors"
PORT = 80
DEBUG = False
Now you can run the serialkiller standalone server with sk_standalone
sk_server &
You can also use the supervisor, it's prefered solution
Example of sk_server supervisor configuration
Example, if now you would like add a minimal sensor (ex: online computer) with auto-configuration type sensor
# From command line
sk_command -a addvalue -s domsrv:computer:online -t byte -v value=255
wget serverip/api/1.0/addValue/domsrv:computer:online/byte/value=255
# From library
from serialkiller import lib
obj = lib.Sensor(args.directory, args.sensorid, args.type)
data = sktypes.newObj('byte', value=255)
List last sensors value
$ sk_command -a sensorslist
SensorId S Time Title Value
----------------------------- --- ------------------- ---------------------------- -----------
livingroom:demo:online 2014-01-31 08:50:55 Demo Online
livingroom:vaio:inuse X 2014-01-30 23:17:14 Utilisation du poste Locked
washroom:teleinfo:isousc 2014-01-31 08:51:00 Ampere souscrit 30
livingroom:p03:online 2014-01-31 08:51:00 Serveur de virtualisation Online
livingroom:vaio:online 2014-01-31 08:51:00 Portable stephanie Offline
washroom:teleinfo:hchp 2014-01-31 08:51:00 Heure pleine 39674892
washroom:teleinfo:papp 2014-01-31 08:51:00 Puissance en cours 1980
washroom:video:online 2014-01-31 08:50:55 Video server Online
livingroom:internet:available 2014-01-31 08:50:55 Conectiviteinternet Available
washroom:teleinfo:iinst X 2014-01-31 00:22:47 Ampere en cours 10
city:weather:sunshine 2014-01-31 08:50:55 Crepuscule du soleil Plein jours
Show sensor information
$ sk_command -a sensorinfos -s domsrv:teleinfo:papp -t ushort
Title Value
----------------------- --------------------------
Sensorid domsrv:teleinfo:papp
Sensor Type ushort
NB lines 109845
Min date 2012-06-27 16:43:00
Max date 2014-01-28 21:25:30
Min value 350 (2013-12-21 10:22:21)
Max value 6710 (2013-08-07 18:57:14)
Avg value 1578
Avg delta (round ratio) 303
Total size 1.361328125 Mo
Show last sensor value
$ sk_command -a last -s domsrv:teleinfo:papp -t ushort
Show datas sensor
$ sk_command -a sensordatas -s domsrv:teleinfo:papp -t ushort -v tail=10
Time Value
------------------- -------
2014-01-28 20:35:24 1640
2014-01-28 20:43:33 1700
2014-01-28 20:45:50 1680
2014-01-28 20:45:55 1580
2014-01-28 20:46:51 1660
2014-01-28 21:20:01 1580
2014-01-28 21:20:17 1590
2014-01-28 21:20:22 1680
2014-01-28 21:22:13 1740
2014-01-28 21:27:46 1730
Reduce data
# Before reduce
Title Value
----------------------- --------------------------
Sensorid domsrv:teleinfo:papp
NB lines 514671
Min date 2012-06-27 18:43:00
Max date 2014-01-25 10:27:15
Min value 350 (2013-11-17 05:24:23)
Max value 6710 (2013-08-07 20:57:14)
Avg value 1301
Avg delta (round ratio) 76
Total size 6.3798828125 Mo
# reduce with 80 delta value
$ sk_command -a setproperty -s domsrv:teleinfo:papp -t ushort -v roundvalue=80
$ sk_command -a reduce -s domsrv:teleinfo:papp -t ushort
# Reduce result
Title Value
----------------------- --------------------------
Sensorid domsrv:teleinfo:papp
NB lines 107304
Min date 2012-06-27 18:43:00
Max date 2014-01-25 10:27:15
Min value 350 (2013-12-21 11:22:21)
Max value 6710 (2013-08-07 20:57:14)
Avg value 1575
Avg delta (round ratio) 302
Total size 1.330078125 Mo
Compression ratio = 480%
You can also use the serialkiller-plugins for push the sensors results. See the serialkiller-plugins example
You can also point your web navigator to http://youipserver for list all JSON functions:
"/": "All serialkiller API functions",
"/api/1.0/": "All serialkiller API functions",
"/api/1.0/addEvent/<sensorid>/<type>/<values>": "Add a new event, no deduplicate",
"/api/1.0/addValue/<sensorid>/<type>/<values>": "Add a new value, deduplicate line",
"/api/1.0/list": "List all last sensors"
You can also see the result directely in my personnal website and the wiki