
Visualize set membership and missing data

bokeh, hut23, hut23-845, jupyter-notebook, missing-data, python, set-visualization
pip install setvis==0.1rc3


setvis Python Package

A tool for visualising patterns of missingness in data. Setvis is matrix-based set visualization that operates with datasets using a memory-efficient architecture.



Installing the module

These instructions have been tested with:

  • Python 3.8.2 on MacOS 10.15 (Catalina)
git clone

cd setvis

python -m venv .venv

source .venv/bin/activate

pip install --upgrade pip

Then run either:

pip install ".[extra]"

which will install setvis and most of the optional extra dependencies

or run:

pip install .

which will include just setvis and a minimal set of dependencies.

Extras and fine-tuning the installation

There are several dependency flags that can be passed to pip to install various optional dependencies. For instance: pip install ".[notebook]" (which installs the notebook dependencies).

  • extra: [extra] is the same as [notebook,doc,test]

  • all: [all] is the same as [notebook,doc,test,performance-extras,db] (includes all of the below)

  • notebook: for the functionality required by the notebook examples

  • doc: sphinx and other libraries for building the documentation

  • test: pytest and other libraries for running the tests

The following dependencies place additional requirements on the environment where the package is to be installed:

  • performance-extras: numexpr and Bottleneck, for improving the performance of numerical computations. Requires a C compiler: see Bottleneck requirements
  • db: to support the database interface (currently just psycopg2). Requires an installation of PostgreSQL.


These instructions have been tested with:

  • Miniconda3 (based on Conda 4.10.3) with Python 3.8 on Windows 10 Pro 20H2
# Create an activate a conda environment
conda create -n setvisenv python=3.8
conda activate setvisenv

# This is unnecessary if git is already installed
conda install git

# Clone this repository
git clone
cd setvis

# Install the Bottleneck conda package and its dependencies
conda install Bottleneck=1.3.2

# Install setvis itself and the remaining dependencies with pip
pip install ".[all]"

If the commands above succeed, it should be possible to run the notebooks in notebooks, with

jupyter notebook notebooks


# Clone this repository
git clone
cd setvis

# Install this project and its dependencies into a virtual environment
poetry install

# Activate the virtual environment
poetry shell


For basic examples, please see the two example notebooks:

The Bokeh plots produced by setvis require the package notebook >= 6.4 to display properly.

Installing the notebook extra dependency set (see above) will include everything required to run setvis in a notebook, and to run the tutorial examples that do not need a database connection. The repository includes GitHub actions script which executres all of the notebooks in the notebooks directory.

If the installation succeeded, it should be possible to run the notebooks in the notebooks directory of the repository:

python -m jupyter notebook


The development of the setvis software was supported by funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/N013980/1; EP/R511717/1) and the Alan Turing Institute.