
A comprehensive command line utility to render templates and ease code generation.

pip install shadow-cli==0.3.0



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A comprehensive command line utility to render templates and ease code generation.


  • Incorporates a convention over configuration mentality.
  • Use the default *.tpl extension to find and render templates, or specify your own.
  • Use the template extension on a directory to render all files under it.
  • Specify the path(s) or let it default to searching for templates in the current working directory.
  • Use template variables in filenames to render scalar filename outputs.
  • Use hash/dict or list/array types in filenames to render multiple files.
  • Default configuration expects a file named shadowconf with any of the following extensions: .json, .hcl, .env, .yml, .ini.
  • If no configuration file is specified, it will load and use the shell environment to render variables.
  • All defaults can be overriden.

Quick Install

Install from PyPi:

pip install shadowgen

Install from GitHub:

git clone
cd shadow
pip install -U .


Display the help and exit:

shadow --help

Discover templates to be generated:

shadow sim

Find all templates in the current working directory and generate them using the config file shadowconf.json as the variables to build them:

shadow fax

Find all generated templates and remove them:

shadow clean

Generate templates in the tests directory on files ending in *.j2, using environment variables to fill and render the templates:

shadow fax -e -t .j2 tests

Generate the single template file named test.txt using the HCL config file test.txt.hcl:

shadow fax -c test.txt.hcl test.txt.tpl


Created and maintained by karma0.

This package was created with Cookiecutter and the karma0/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.