Job runner with logging
Install system-wide:
$ pip install shell-jobrunner
Install just for the current user:
$ pip install --user shell-jobrunner
$ pip uninstall jobrunner
sleep 5
in the background$ job sleep 5
when the last job finishes and it passed (exit code 0)$ job -B. ls
when last job finishes (pass / fail)$ job -b. ls
Monitor job execution
$ job -W Sat Aug 10, 2019 20:48:23 No jobs running, load: 0/0/0
Retry a job
$ job --retry ls
is available as an alias to the most recently executed job (as in the Examples above).
View recently executed job log file
$ job ls $ view `job` # Opens the output from ls using "view"
View two most recently executed
$ job echo 1 $ job echo 2 $ view `job -n0 -n1`
Query by job name
$ job echo foo $ job echo bar $ view `job -g foo`
Show job info by name
$ job ls $ job -s ls
, but can beoverridden using the --rc-file option.
program = mail
# For notifications over chat applications (like Google Chat), use chatmail as
# your mail program instead. "chatmail" must be specified rather than a differently
# named link to the script, else some options provided to job (such as --rc-file)
# will not be passed through to it.
# program = chatmail
domain =
watch reminder = full|summary # default=summary
at all = all|none|no id # default=none
reuse threads = true|false # default true
user1 =
# Retrieve this using your browser inspector on an existing mention of this user.
# It should show up as "user/some_long_integer" somewhere in the span's metadata.
user1 = <long integer>
If you want to enable notifications when jobs finish, one way to do this is to use the --notifier argument.
Description=Jobrunner Notifier
ExecStart=env job --notifier
It's highly recommend to work inside a virtualenv using pipenv
Create new virtualenv and install an editable version of jobrunner
pipenv --three install --dev
pipenv run pip install -e .
Autoformat the code and check linters:
pipenv run ./
Run tests:
pipenv run pytest
It will use
and / or ~/.config/pip/pip.conf
to configure a pypi mirror.This will also update
../ [--versions 2.7 3.7 3.8] [--upgrade] [--ignore-unclean]