
A CLI tool for retrieving stock market information.

pip install shellmarkets==0.0.3


Pepy Total Downlods


ShellMarkets is a command-line tool (CLI) for retrieving stock market information. It uses yfinance module to fetch data about specific stocks and provides various options to display detailed information about companies.


You can install ShellMarkets directly from PyPI using pip:

pip install shellmarkets


After installation, you can use the shmkt command to interact with the tool. Below are the available options and usage examples.

Show Version

To display the version of ShellMarkets:

shmkt --version

Get Basic Information

To get basic information about one or more stocks:

shmkt TICKER1 TICKER2 ...

Extended Information

To get extended information about a specific stock:

shmkt TICKER -e

Company Information

To get detailed information about the company:

shmkt TICKER -i

Company News

To get recent news about the company:

shmkt TICKER --n

Show Portfolio

To display the stocks in a portfolio file:

shmkt -p /path/to/portfolio/file

Create a New Portfolio

To create a new portfolio file with an optional list of stocks:

shmkt -c /path/to/new/portfolio/file TICKER1 TICKER2 ...

Add a Stock to the Portfolio

To add a stock to an existing portfolio file:

shmkt -a TICKER /path/to/portfolio/file

Remove a Stock from the Portfolio

To remove a stock from an existing portfolio file:

shmkt -d TICKER /path/to/portfolio/file


shmkt --help


Contributions are welcome. Please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). See the LICENSE file for details.