
This is my first PyPi package, so its mainly a test

pip install sidspackage==0.0.4


Sids Package

This is a me testing out putting a package on PyPi

Colored Text

This is used to print messages with color in terminal It can also make text bold and underlined

from sidspackage import ColorPrint

cp = ColorPrint()

cp.print(color="blue", message="hi")

# To get a list of colors do:

Pycord Paginator

This is a paginator for pycord. It takes a list of embeds and makes them paginated with buttons You will need py-cord installed for this to work



from sidspackage import Paginator

async def func_name(ctx):
    embed1 = discord.Embed(title="Click the arrows", description="To look through the embeds")
    embed2 = discord.Embed(title="Test", description="Lol")
    embed3 = discord.Embed(title="Test", description="Lol")

    ems = [embed1, embed2, embed3]

    view = Paginator(ctx=ctx, ems=ems)

    message = await ctx.send(embed=embed1, view=view)

    # This part is optional but it makes it so that once the button timeouts it will be disabled so you wont get any INTERACTION FAILED errors.
    res = await view.wait()
    if res:
        for i in view.children:
            i.disabled = True
    return await message.edit(view=view)