
Script over the official Silero so that it can be conveniently and quickly used from the code or from the console

silero, sileros-tts, tts, tts-api
pip install silero-tts==0.0.4


Silero TTS

README is available in the following languages:


Silero TTS is a Python library that provides an easy way to synthesize speech from text using various Silero TTS models, languages, and speakers. It can be used as a standalone script or integrated into your own Python projects.


  • Support for multiple languages and models
  • Automatic downloading of the latest model configuration file
  • Text preprocessing and transliteration
  • Batch processing of text files
  • Detailed logging with loguru
  • Progress tracking with tqdm
  • Customizable options for sample rate, device, and more
  • Can be used as a standalone script or integrated into Python code


Auto ( Recomended )

pip install silero-tts


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt


As a Standalone Script

You can use Silero TTS as a standalone script to synthesize speech from text files or directories containing text files.

python -m silero_tts [options]


  • --list-models: List available models
  • --list-speakers: List available speakers for a model
  • --language LANGUAGE: Specify the language code (required)
  • --model MODEL: Specify the model ID (default: latest version for the language)
  • --speaker SPEAKER: Specify the speaker name (default: first available speaker for the model)
  • --sample-rate SAMPLE_RATE: Specify the sample rate (default: 48000)
  • --device DEVICE: Specify the device to use (default: cpu)
  • --text TEXT: Specify the text to synthesize
  • --input-file INPUT_FILE: Specify the input text file to synthesize
  • --input-dir INPUT_DIR: Specify the input directory with text files to synthesize
  • --output-file OUTPUT_FILE: Specify the output audio file (default: output.wav)
  • --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR: Specify the output directory for synthesized audio files (default: output)


  1. Synthesize speech from a text:

    python --language ru --text "Привет, мир!"
  2. Synthesize speech from a text file:

    python --language en --input-file input.txt --output-file output.wav
  3. Synthesize speech from multiple text files in a directory:

    python --language es --input-dir texts --output-dir audio

As a Python Library

You can also integrate Silero TTS into your own Python projects by importing the SileroTTS class and using its methods.

from silero_tts.silero_tts import SileroTTS

# Get available models
models = SileroTTS.get_available_models()
print("Available models:", models)

# Get available languages
languages = SileroTTS.get_available_languages()
print("Available languages:", languages)

# Get the latest model for a specific language
latest_model = SileroTTS.get_latest_model('ru')
print("Latest model for Russian:", latest_model)

# Get available sample rates for a specific model and language
sample_rates = SileroTTS.get_available_sample_rates_static('ru', latest_model)
print("Available sample rates for the latest Russian model:", sample_rates)

# Initialize the TTS object
tts = SileroTTS(model_id='v3_en', language='en', speaker='en_2', sample_rate=48000, device='cpu')

# Synthesize speech from text
text = "Hello world!"
tts.tts(text, 'output.wav')

# Synthesize speech from a text file
# tts.from_file('input.txt', 'output.wav')

# Get available speakers for the current model
speakers = tts.get_available_speakers()
print("Available speakers for the current model:", speakers)

# Change the language
print("Language changed to:", tts.language)
print("New model ID:", tts.model_id)
print("New available speakers:", tts.get_available_speakers())

# Change the model
print("Model changed to:", tts.model_id)
print("New available speakers:", tts.get_available_speakers())

# Change the speaker
print("Speaker changed to:", tts.speaker)

# Change the sample rate
print("Sample rate changed to:", tts.sample_rate)

CLI Features

The Silero TTS CLI provides the following features:

  • Language Support: Specify the language code using the --language flag to synthesize speech in the desired language.
  • Model Selection: Choose a specific model using the --model flag or let the CLI automatically select the latest model for the specified language.
  • Speaker Selection: Select a speaker using the --speaker flag or use the default speaker for the chosen model.
  • Sample Rate: Customize the sample rate of the synthesized speech using the --sample-rate flag.
  • Device: Specify the device (CPU or GPU) to use for synthesis using the --device flag.
  • Text Input: Provide the text to synthesize directly using the --text flag or specify an input text file using the --input-file flag.
  • Batch Processing: Process multiple text files in a directory using the --input-dir flag.
  • Output: Specify the output audio file using the --output-file flag or the output directory for batch processing using the --output-dir flag.
  • Model Listing: List all available models using the --list-models flag.
  • Speaker Listing: List all available speakers for a specific model using the --list-speakers flag.

Supported Languages

  • Russian (ru)
  • English (en)
  • German (de)
  • Spanish (es)
  • French (fr)
  • Bashkir (ba)
  • Kalmyk (xal)
  • Tatar (tt)
  • Uzbek (uz)
  • Ukrainian (ua)
  • Indic (indic)
  • Cyrillic (cyrillic)


This project is licensed under the MIT License.
