
A package for interacting with the Simple Status Server

pip install simple-status-client==0.1.3



A helper Client library in Python for the SimpleStatus project

Getting Started

Ensure you have pulled SimpleStatusServer and are running it (preferably straight from docker)

  • pip install simple_status_client
  • cd SimpleStatusClient
  • python -m pip install . _(this should be the python environment in which your stasus needing code runs)
  • Within the code that you wish to send statuses do the following
    • from simple_status_client import Client, Colors
    • client = APIClient("http://*server_ip*/api") server_ip should be the ip address of your docker container
    • client.setConfig() -- fill in params
    • client.setStatus() -- fill in params

Voila, you should be able to view your status on the dashboard.

Example Usage

client.set_config("My Component","This is the thingamabob for our whatsamaahousit server", 0, Colors.yellow)

  • <Response [200]>

client.set_status("My Component",,"All systems go")

  • <Response [200]>

Things to keep in mind

  • Components are identified by ID, which is calculated by hashing the name (or by calling the base functions and providing it directly e.g. APIClient.set_status_base).
    • This is by design, if you want to update your configuration and or status you can do it without jumping through any hoops. Simply send a new configuration or status. That being said if you have code in multiple places using the same id... they will be stepping on each other
  • This library is provided as a convenience, the REST API is full accessible and you can write your own interface if you would like.
    • I promise to keep this library up to date and working to the best of my ability. Maybe I'll even write tests for it.