
A local SimpleDB server

pip install simpledb-dev3==0.3



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This is a fork of SimpleDB/dev by Matthew Painter via this unofficial mirror. This fork has been renamed to simpledb-dev2 so that it does not collide with the original project.

It currently supports the "2007-11-07" SimpleDB API level but has been hacked to fake support for "2009-04-15"—this has not been tested much!

Project information

simpledb-dev2 provides a local SimpleDB server, so you can develop offline, without requiring a SimpleDB account. It has been tested on Linux, macOS and Windows.

This package currently implements:

  • The whole "2007-11-07" REST API
  • Correct HTTP error responses as per the technical documentation
  • A large suite of tests created from the examples provided in the technical documentation

It does not implement:

  • The SOAP API
  • Authentication—signature value checking
  • Timestamp format and expiration checking

To run the simpledb-dev2 server, you'll need a working Python 2.7 installation. You can install using pip as follows:

pip install simpledb-dev2

This will install the package and its dependencies including Specify the --user option to the pip command line to install for the current user only.

This will create a simpledb-dev2 script/executable on your path. You can start the simpledb-dev2 web server as follows:

simpledb-dev2 serve

This will serve the SimpleDB API on the default port of 8080. To specify an alternative port, use the --port option:

simpledb-dev2 serve --port 1234

If the server doesn't start, or you have other problems, it's pretty easy to run the tests and see some examples of request/response:

simpledb-dev2 test

Remember, this is a development tool, and not meant for storing or querying large amounts of data—I do not know yet how big you can get before running into issues, but I suspect that with the current storage and querying design it is not that large :o) Now that I have a base, I may start trying to see how I can improve the performance…

Although this conforms to the specifications in the technical documentation, simpledb-dev2 has not been tested with every possible SDB client library, and I am looking forward to people in the OSS community trying to find bugs and peculiarities—it is after all, a work in progress!

So enjoy developing your SimpleDB applications now, not later!


  1. Fork this repository
  2. Create a feature branch (git checkout -b feature-branch)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m "Added support for the new API version")
  4. Push to an upstream branch (git push -u origin feature-branch)
  5. Create a pull request describing your fix/feature


Released under GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3)