
A single file python module that simplifies creating and running a simple `Flask` server that reports a json formated dict. Intended to be used with simple apps that run in container style environments, allowing for a basic http server to report the status of the app.

http, https, server, simple, status, monitor, monitoring, quick, single, file, flask
pip install simplestatusserver==


Git Auto Backup

This module is intended to be imported into any script requiring a simple HTTP status reporting page. This optionally supports threading as well, defining the run_threaded and make_thread methods.



This module can be installed using:

pip install simplestatusserver

Module Interface

This module only contains a single (fully documented) class: SimpleStatusServer. This cass can be instantiated to generate and when desired, run, a simple HTTP server. This server will report the data contained within that instance's status attribute as json. The instance itself may also be used as a dictionary, passing along all the data contained withing its status If the threading module is imported (which can be checked using the module's STATUS_SERVER_THREADING_POSSIBLE constant), threading related running methods are also defined for this class. Refer to the docstrings for each method for more information. This module contains type hints.


from simplestatusserver import SimpleStatusServer, STATUS_SERVER_THREADING_POSSIBLE as THREADING_POSSIBLE
#Note: this example presumes that the threading module is available!
assert THREADING_POSSIBLE, "The threading module must be available for this example to work!"

#some code here...

server = SimpleStatusServer(init_status = {"hello": "world"})
server["world"] == "hello" #returns True
server["status"] = "starting..."
#now run the http server
server.run_threaded(debug = True)

#perhaps a startup routine here?

server["status"] = "running"
del server["world"] #lets remove this key...

  #the main part of a script here...
except Exception as e:
  server["error"] = str(e)
  server["error code"] = 1

#finish off things here...

print("all done!")


This is licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL 2.0) Licence. See the Licence file in this repository for more information.


This project uses the 'Flask' python module.

While not required, feel free to credit "Markus Hammer" (or just "Markus") if you find this code or script useful for whatever you may be doing with it.
