
A CLI to run common singularity tasks.

pip install singularitytechnologies.singularity-cli==0.2.5.dev0


Singularity Technologies CLI

This CLI is desinged to help Engineers engage with our API and platform much more easily.

The CLI handles HMAC signature generation and sets all necessary headers autonomously.

Its highly recomended that you use the CLI rather than cURL commands.

The CLI has been tested on Ubuntu. If you require support or bug fixes for OSX or Windows operating systems please open an issue!

Pull Requests are always welcome!


The CLI can easily be installed using pip:

pip3 install singularitytechnologies.singularity-cli

We only officially support usage with Python3.5+

Config file

The CLI will look for a config json file in the location:


Which should contain the following:

  "api_key": <key>,
  "secret": <secret>

If you'd like to store your config elsewhere, simply set the environment variable:



A full list of commands can be seen by simply using the following command:


You can test your connection to the API by using our PING command:

singularity-cli ping

A successful connection should return the response pong

See this blog post for a short demonstration on how to use the various features of the CLI.