
HyperFetch. A tool to optimize and fetch hyperparameters for your reinforcement learning application.

reinforcement, learning, hyperparameters, replication
pip install siste-test==0.1.0



HyperFetch is a tool consisting of:

  • Website for fetching hyperparameters that are tuned by others
  • Pip-module for tuning hyperparameters

The intention of HyperFetch is to:

  • Make recreation of existing projects easier within the reinforcement learning research community.
  • Allow beginners to train and implement their own reinforcement learning models easier due to abstracting away the advanced tuning-step.

The tool is expected to aid in decreasing CO2-emissions related to tuning hyperparameters when training RL models.

This is expected to be done by posting tuned algorithm x environment combinations to the websitesuch that:

  • Developers/Students can access hyperparameters that have been optimially tuned before instead of having to tune them themselves.
  • Researchers can filter by project on the website and access hyperparameters they wish to recreate/replicate for their own research.

The persistance endpoints opens up to the user through this package. To access/fetch hyperparameters optimized by other RL-practicioners, have a look at the HyperFetch website.



Box2D-py swig


Repository: HyperFetch Github
Documentation: HyperFetch Website

Using the pip module

To use the pip model please do the following:

  1. Create a virtual environment in your favorite IDE. The virtual environment must be of the type virtualenv.

Install virtualenv if you haven't

    pip install virtualenv

Create a virtual environment

    virtualenv [some_name]

Activate virtualenv this way if using windows:

   # In cmd.exe
   # In PowerShell

Activate virtualenv this way if using Linux/MacOS:

    $ source myvenv/bin/activate
  1. Install the pip-module.

     # pip install hyperfetch

Example 1: tuning + posting using HyperFetch

Here is a quick example of how to tune and run PPO in the LunarLander-v2 environment inside your new or existing project:

Just a reminder:

The pip package must be installed before this can be done. To install the pip-package, the steps to get the front -or backend started/running do not need to be done.
For details, see using the pip module.

1. Create configuartion YAML file (minimal example)

# Required (example values)
alg: ppo
env: LunarLander-v2
project_name: some_project

# Some other useful parameters
sampler: tpe
tuner: median
n_trials: 20
log_folder: logs

2. Tune using python file or command line

from hyperfetch import tuning

# Path to your YAML config file 
config_path = "../some_folder/config_name.yml"

# Writes each trial's best hyperparameters to log folder

Command line:

If in the same directory as the config file and the config file is called "config.yml"

  tune config.yml

Enjoy your hyperparameters!

Example 2: Posting hyperparameters that are not tuned by Hyperfetch

Just a reminder:

The pip package must be installed before this can be done. To install the pip-package, the steps to get the front -or backend started/running do not need to be done.
For details, see using the pip module.

1. Create configuartion YAML file

# Required (example values)
alg: dqn
env: LunarLander-v2
project_name: some_project
hyperparameters: # These depend on the choice of algorithm
  batch_size: 256
  buffer_size: 50000
  exploration_final_eps: 0.10717928118310233
  exploration_fraction: 0.3318973226098944
  gamma: 0.9
  learning_rate: 0.0002126832542803243
  learning_starts: 10000
  net_arch: medium
  subsample_steps: 4
  target_update_interval: 1000
  train_freq: 8
# Not required (but appreciated)
CO2_emissions: 0.78 #kgs
energy_consumed: 3.27 #kWh
cpu_model: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-12500H
gpu_model: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
total_time: 0:04:16.842800 # H:M:S:MS

2. Save/post using python file or command line

Python file:

from hyperfetch import tuning

# Path to your YAML config file 
config_path = "../some_folder/config_name.yml"

# Writes each trial's best hyperparameters to log folder

Command line:

If in the same directory as the config file and the config file is called "config.yml"

  save config.yml

Getting the website up and running

Installation backend

Make sure you have

  • Pip version 23.0.1 or higher
  • Python 3.10
  • virtualenv (not venv) Clone this repository by either:
  1. Open git bash

  2. Change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory.

  3. Paste this snip:

     git clone
  4. Install virtualenv if you haven't

     pip install virtualenv
  5. Create a virtual environment

     virtualenv [some_name]

    Activate virtualenv this way if using windows:

    # In cmd.exe
    # In PowerShell

    Activate virtualenv this way if using Linux/MacOS:

     $ source myvenv/bin/activate
  6. Press Enter to create your local clone.

     Cloning into 'hyperFetch'...
     remote: Enumerating objects: 466, done.
     remote: Counting objects: 100% (466/466), done.
     remote: Compressing objects: 100% (238/238), done.
     remote: Total 466 (delta 221), reused 438 (delta 200), pack-reused 0
     Receiving objects: 100% (466/466), 4.17 MiB | 10.29 MiB/s, done.
     Resolving deltas: 100% (221/221), done.
  7. You may now change directory by writing into the terminal:

     cd hyperfetch
  8. Then, install the dependencies into your virtual environment

      pip install -r requirements.txt

Start up backend

After cloning and installing, you can finally start up the server!

      uvicorn main:app --reload   

Installation frontend

The frontend-branch is inside of the same project. However, because the frontend-branch (frontend) and backend-branch (master) must run at the same time to serve the website, the project must be cloned twice into two different local respositories.

  1. Follow stages 3-6 in installation backend This includes:

    • Move into another working directory
    • Clone the project
    • Create a new virtualenv
    • Activate the virtualenv
  2. The frontend-branch does not exist locally and must be fetched remotely. In the terminal, type:

    git switch frontend
  3. Enter the correct folder

    cd src
  4. Install dependencies. This will creat a node_modules folder in your local repository.

    npm install

Start up frontend

  1. To serve the website (dev mode), run:

    npm run dev
  2. Click the link that appears in the terminal, or access your browser of choice and type in:

  3. Good luck!