
Custom Django authentication backend using Sign-In with Ethereum (EIP-4361) with a custom wallet user model. Available to use in django rest api or django app.

Authentication, Authorization, Django, EIP-4361, SIWE, Sign-In, with, Ethereum, Web3
pip install siwe-auth-django==3.0.3


Siwe Authentication - Django

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Siwe Authentication is a Django app designed for Ethereum-based authentication using the Sign-In with Ethereum (EIP-4361) standard. It allows users to sign in using their Ethereum wallets, and provides flexible settings for customization.

Table Of Contents

  1. Get Started
    1. Installation
    2. Configuration
    3. Run migrations
  2. Usage
  3. Custom Groups
  4. Django User Model
  5. Contrubuting
  6. License

Get Started


Install the package using pip with the following command:

pip install siwe-auth-django


Add 'siwe_auth' to INSTALLED_APPS in your file:


    # ...
    # ...

Add authentication configurations in your file:


AUTH_USER_MODEL = "siwe_auth.Wallet"
    "django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend" # this is necessary if you want to use superusers in django admin authentication
SESSION_COOKIE_AGE = 3 * 60 * 60 

If you need to create a customized auth user model refer to Django User Model section (Recommended).

Add the SIWE_AUTH configuration in your file:

Available settings:

"CSRF_EXEMPT": Flag indicating whether CSRF protection is exempted for Siwe Authentication views (if you are creating an REST API must be True).
"PROVIDER": Ethereum provider URL (it is required).
"CREATE_GROUPS_ON_AUTH": Flag indicating whether to create groups on user authentication.
"CREATE_ENS_PROFILE_ON_AUTH": Flag indicating whether to create ENS profiles on user authentication.
"CUSTOM_GROUPS": List of custom groups to be created on user authentication. If you need to create more group manager refer to Custom Groups section.


from siwe_auth import group # needed if you want to set custom groups

# ...

    "CSRF_EXEMPT": True, # default False
    "PROVIDER": "", # required
    "CREATE_GROUPS_ON_AUTH": True, # default False
    "CREATE_ENS_PROFILE_ON_AUTH": True, # default True
        ("usdt_owners", groups.ERC20OwnerManager(config={'contract': '0x82E...550'})),
        ("nft_owners", groups.ERC721OwnerManager(config={'contract': '0x785...3A5'})),
        # ...
    ], # default []

Include the Siwe Authentication URLs in your project's


from django.urls import include, path

urlpatterns = [
    # ...
    path('api/auth', include('siwe_auth.urls', namespace='siwe_auth')),
    # ...

Run migrations:

python migrate


You need to follow this steps to successful authentication using SIWE protocol (EIP-4361):

  1. Get nonce: GET Method /api/auth/nonce.
  2. Use that nonce to create a SIWE message in frontend and sign the message with your metamask or another wallet.
  3. Login: POST Method /api/auth/login, using the message and signature. Example request body:
    "message": {
        "domain": "",
        "address": "0xA8f1...61905",
        "statement": "This is a test statement.",
        "uri": "",
        "version": "1",
        "chainId": 1,
        "nonce": "2483e73dedffbd2616773506",
        "issuedAt": "2024-01-27T18:43:48.011Z"
    "signature": "0xf5b4ea...7bda4e177276dd1c"
  1. Now you have the sessionid in cookies so you can use it for authenticated required views.
  2. Refresh the sessionid: POST Method api/auth/refresh.
  3. Verify if you are authenticated: GET Method api/auth/verify.
  4. Logout: POST Method api/auth/logout.

Custom Groups

Three custom group managers are provided by default:

You can create more group managers by extending the GroupManager class:

from web3 import HTTPProvider
from siwe_auth.groups import GroupManager

class MyCustomGroup(GroupManager):
    def __init__(self, config: dict):
        # Your custom logic

    def is_member(self, wallet: object, provider: HTTPProvider) -> bool:
        # Your custom logic to determine membership

You can create custom groups in your


from siwe_auth import group # needed if you want to set custom groups

# ...

    # ...
        ("usdt_owners", groups.ERC20OwnerManager(config={'contract': '0x82E...550'})),
        ("nft_owners", groups.ERC721OwnerManager(config={'contract': '0x785...3A5'})),
        ("token_owners", groups.ERC1154OwnerManager(config={'contract': '0x872...5F5'})),
        # ...
    ], # default []

Then you can manage these groups with the django GroupManager, example:

from django.contrib.auth.models import Group
# ...

usdt_owners_group = Group.objects.get(name='usdt_owners')
all_usdt_owners = usdt_owners_group.user_set.all()
# ...

Django User Model

By default, Siwe Authentication uses the Wallet model as the user model. If you prefer to use a specific user model, you can either use the provided AbstractWallet model or create your own user model. For more details, refer to the Configuration section.

# Django project your_app/

from siwe_auth.models import AbstractWallet

class MyUserModel(AbstractWallet):
    # Add your custom fields here

If you use a customized user model you need to register a customized admin site.

# Django project your_app/

from django.contrib import admin

from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from siwe_auth.admin import WalletBaseAdmin

WalletModel = get_user_model()

# You can inherit from siwe_auth.admin.WalletBaseAdmin or from django.contrib.auth.admin.BaseUserAdmin if you preffer.
class WalletAdmin(WalletBaseAdmin): 
    # Add your custom configuration here, WalletAdmin)


Contributions are welcome! Please create issues for bugs or feature requests. Pull requests are encouraged.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.