
convenient add sized ints to python (u8, i8, int64_t, etc)

pip install sized-ints==0.1.5


Sized Ints

Sized Ints brings fixed width integers to python! Whether bit packing, bit manipulating, or preparing code to interface with MMIO, Sized Ints makes swizzling and unswizzling bits a breeze.

Note: This project is under development, there may be:

  • minor api changes, while this is not expected, it is possible
  • changes in the underlying implementation


from sized_ints import *

# you can make sized numbers that have limited value ranges
a = u8(127)

# they can be used as normal with plain ints or other ints of the same size
b = a + u8(5)
b -= 5

try: # Sized Ints ensures that you manually
    c = b + u16(2) # raises TypeError (b's width < u16)
    c = u16(b) + u16(2)

# but you can always cast back to plain ints
plain = int(b)

What sizes are there?

Any sizes cpython can represent.

# for convenience you can import all the baked-in ints from the sized_ints module
from sized_ints import *
# if you need additional/specific sizes you can import them from `sized`
from sized import u20, u1132, i27

# however if you do not know what sizes you'll need ahead of time, that's fine.
#   you can choose int sizes at 'runtime' using the `Signed` and `Unsigned` types
from sized_ints import *
from typing import *

def new_user_sized_int() -> Type[Unsigned]:
    width = int(input('width of new sized int: ')) # for some reason?
    ux = Unsigned[width] # get the  new Unsigned size type
    return ux
Baked in sizes:
  • u0, u1, u2, u4, u8, u16, u32, u64, u128, u256, u512, u1024
  • i1, i2, i4, i8, i16, i32, i64, i128, i256, i512, i1024


By default overflow errors are off for all Sized Ints

# by default overflow is silent and numbers will rollover
d = sized.u8(232) + sized.u8(127) # u8(103), no error

However, you can manually enable or disable overflow on a scope by scope basis.

with overflow(True):
        d = sized.u8(232) + sized.u8(127) # will raise exception
    except OverflowError:
        print("error raised, yay?")

These contexts will only affect your current scope so functions you call aren't affected.

def some_func():
    # needs no overflow errors (we can rely on the default)
    assert overflow.ison() is False
    assert u8(232) + u8(127) == u8(103)

with overflow(True):
    try: x = u8(255) + 3
    except: print('\toverflow caught')

    assert overflow.ison() is True
    assert overflow.ison() is True

Tips and Tricks:

# unsigned ints can be packed and unpacked by widths
... # documentation needed
# overflow contexts can also be used inline for single statements
x = u3(1)
with overflow(True): x += 200 # raises exception

Issues and Features:

  • Bugs: If you find a bug/issue, please file an issue on Github with an example and explanation.
  • Features: If you have a proposed feature, please either fork the python-sized-ints repo and make a pull request with the code, or without code make an issue to discuss the possible feature.

Todos: help welcome

  • extend the documentation to cover .twos(), .as_signed/as_unsigned(), Unsigned.pack(), Unsigned.unpack(), tri, utri, etc
  • write more tests (😅)
  • switch from auto generated dunder/magic methods to hand rolled methods in _SizedInt
  • write a hex() function to express the size of the int (like bin())
  • and a non sized uint type that is always >= 0