Python library to edit the ROM of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky

rom-hacking, game-modding, skytemple, hacktoberfest, nintendo-ds, romhacking
pip install skytemple-files==1.8.5



SkyTemple Files

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Python library to work with the files inside the ROM of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky.

The main handlers for file types can be found in the members of the class skytemple_files.common.types.file_types.FileType.

You can find the handlers inside the packages of this Python package, with README.rst files explaining the file formats. Additional documentation for misc. things can be found in the /docs directory. For usage examples see the dbg packages and the SkyTemple main application.

Directly in the package (skytemple_files directory) you can find a few an example script that help with understanding how to use this library. After installing the package you will have is as a cli command: skytemple_export_maps.

In addition to the dependencies in the requirements.txt and pyproject.toml, ARMIPS must be installed and in the system's PATH to be able to apply ROM patches.



With the spritecollab extra, the package skytemple_files.common.spritecollab.client is available to interact with the SpriteCollab GraphQL server for retrieving portrait and sprite assets by the community.

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