
Peek at local datafiles fast!

pandas, data
pip install sleepydatapeek==0.1.5



A quick way to peek at local datafiles.

Welcome to sleepydatapeek!

In short, it's hand to have something be able to spit out a configurable preview of data from a file, and bonus points if you can just as easily output in markdown. It would also be nice if said tool could read all the formats.
DataPeek has entered the chat!

Table of Contents 📖

  • Get Started
  • Usage
  • Technologies
  • Contribute
  • Acknowledgements
  • License/Stats/Author

Get Started 🚀

pip install sleepydatapeek
pip install --upgrade sleepydatapeek

Usage ⚙

Fetch dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Set a function in your shell environment to run a script like:

# pip install sleepydatapeek
# pip install --upgrade sleepydatapeek

from sleepydatapeek import sleepydatapeek
from sys import argv, exit


Presuming you've named said function emoji, print the help message:

sleepydatapeek --help

Technologies 🧰

Contribute 🤝

If you have opinions, submit a PR 😊.

Acknowledgements 💙

Cheers to the chaos of modern life for needing personalized agility in schema assessment.

License, Stats, Author 📜

example image tag

PyPI - License

See License for the full license text.

This package was authored by Isaac Yep.