
Print all the emojis that sleepyboy thinks are worthwhile!

emoji, unicode
pip install sleepyemoji==3.8.5



Fetch your favorite emojis fast!

Welcome to sleepyemoji!

There's now a paralyzing volume of unicode characters known as "emojis", which is great for creative expression, but bad for fetching the ~%10 of emojis you ever care to use.

SleepyEmoji has entered the chat!

Table of Contents 📖

  • Get Started
  • Usage
  • Technologies
  • Contribute
  • Acknowledgements
  • License/Stats/Author

Get Started 🚀

pip install sleepyemoji
pip install --upgrade sleepyemoji

Usage ⚙

Fetch dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Set a function in your shell environment to run a script like:

# pip install sleepyemoji
# pip install --upgrade sleepyemoji

from sleepyemoji import sleepyemoji
from sys import argv, exit


Presuming you've named said function emoji, print the help message:

emoji --help

Technologies 🧰

Contribute 🤝

If you feel slighted by your favorite emojis not being list in toolchain/emojis, submit a PR 😊.

Acknowledgements 💙

Thanks to my late cat Merlin, who whispered best practices in my ear while I wrote this.

License, Stats, Author 📜

example image tag

PyPI - License

See License for the full license text.

This package was authored by Isaac Yep.